TUTORIAL - Painting Butterball Gunners

Steve Sanford

Well-known member


Here is a brief tutorial on painting Butterball gunners. A more complete, step-by-step version is on my site at:



The Bufflehead - what I learned as Butterball on Great South Bay - is a beautiful bird. I have carved several 'mantel piece" drakes over the years - but I believe this is the first pair of gunners I have ever painted.


The "blanks" are Homer Goldeneyes - for which I carved the original head. After I mailed a pair of finished Goldeneye (Whistlers on Great South Bay) out to Ohio, I remarked to Tony Homer that the decoy would probably make a nice "giant" Bufflehead. He quickly mailed back a photo of one already dressed in Butterball plumage. What follows is my interpretation.
For a gunning decoy, one needs only Black and White for the Drake - but one can always get fancy if one so desires. Similarly, the Hen needs just a bit of Brown mixed in with the Black and White paints to suggest her somber dress.
BTW: If you print these schematics on 8.5 x 11 paper, the profile is pretty much life-size.



I started with a pair coated with my usual epoxy + sawdust - for the tougher skin and the shine-killing rough surface - and then primed with a Grey oil primer. The topcoats are acrylic latex - aka house paint. As usual, I buy the Behr sample jars from Home Depot in a flat finish.


I used a half-inch "flat" bristle brush for most of this paint job. If I were painting a whole rig, I would use larger (1-inch or even 1.5-inch) chip brushes for the larger areas, like the breast and sides.

I begin by marking out the major areas of color on the head and back with white chalk. The Black areas get paint first.
To look right, the rump should be blended, shading from darker up on the back to very pale just before the tail feathers. I work with both colors wet and work them back and forth about midway.




I first painted the bill the same pale blue-grey that I use on Broadbill (and Wigeon and Pintail and Redhead and Ringneck) but later covered it with a medium Grey mixed in a dixie cup from a bit of Black and a bit of White. The thing to remember is that mixing Black and White without any other pigments gives a cool Grey - which is appropriate for this species.





I painted the wingtips Black - exaggerated a bit so they stand out against the rump. Hardly necessary for a gunner.....


When the eyes are painted - not glass - I often paint a White dot on the eye at about 1:00 o'clock to suggest a glint. However, I was working with some varnish on another project so coated the entire eye with it. It gives a more realistic effect - and much less work than installing eyes.


I added the actual colors on the head even though solid Black is sufficient. I just mixed some colors I had on hand for other species. Once the bands of color are in place, I soften the edges by stippling with the ends of the bristles.




Painting the Hen follows a similar process.











As always, I hope this is helpful.


Enjoyed your tutorial on the butterballs Steve , paint scheme colors very helpful ,thanks for sharing.
All the Best , John
Steve, I, for one will look forward to this coming duck season. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to try out this spread and see how they work. Thanks for the post.

I really like those schematics, do you do those for all species to keep a history to go back on? Years ago I took a page (figuratively speaking) from Bob Furia and got a copy of Gooder and Boyer's Ducks of North America to write in the (very wide) margins. Actually the first copy I bought used was so nice it stayed in the library, and I procured another used copy to write in. I really like your idea there. Are they in a notebook or a binder, or just "filed away"?

Thanks for putting together yet another first class tutorial!

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I do not have schematics for most birds. I think I did the Hen for someone here last year - then just added the Drake for this post. Most of the color info is locked in The Vault - my 62-yearold memory banks that I am sure will never fail me....

I DO have a file drawer full of patterns - organized by species. I have pretty much kept every pattern I have ever drawn - at lesast since the early 80s. When I am on my best behavior, I remember to scrawl the date on each.

All the best,


Hello, Al~

Thanks for your kind thoughts. As it turns out, I will probably not be gunning over this pair. Although I always enjoy watching Butterball, I do not pursue this species with Malice Aforethought. I was taught to not shoot them - except when you're a kid. When I was growing up on Great South Bay, no one shot them. However, times have changed - and many species once relegated to "trash duck" status are now trophies. Not wanting to bruise anyone's sensibilities, though, I do not share my private values on the open forum.

All the best,


hi steve ,hope all is well ..beautifull paint job on this butterballs ...can't wait to see how my decoys will looks like after you do your magic .
Steve, awesome! Very nicely done! Thanks again for your generosity. I'm adding these to the LL Bean black duck tutorial, as my memory banks can never remember the paint combinations.

Best - Paul