Two thumbs up for Barrett Refusing to sell to NY Government

John L

Well-known member
We need more companies to stand up to our elected officials. I could not agree more with Ronnie Barrett's statement.
For those of you outside of NY you may want to take notice. Call your elected officials now and stop the assault on our rights!

I do not usually get involved in political issues here but I felt that this is very important. Many of you, your family members and friends have served to protect our rights and some have given their lives to protect them. I feel this is the least we can do to make sure their services were not forgotten.


Wow...that's a powerful statement. There's a lot of Barret M82A3 .50 cal. in the Middle East right now. Probably not going to hear that from any manufactures with a board of directors but I applaud Barret for taking a stand. Kinda creepy that their site seems to be down!
Spoke with Ronnie Barrett at the Shot Show years ago when he refused to sell to the California SWAT teams. Told them to call Gov, who banned them. Good man....
I understand quite a few manufacturers are taking this stance. They should be supported. I would take it so far as to not do ANY business of ANY kind with the NY government. They should be cut off from the rest of the world.
Sure wish he wouldn't have sugar coated it like he did. Maybe if he were a little more straight forward in his approach we could understand exactly where he stands.

WOW - I loved it.

Mark W
As of this morning, there are over (20) twenty gun & ammo manufactuers that have publically come out taking the same stance.

First the sportsmen show in PA, now the entire State of new York.

The politicians just don't get it!!!
I call this politics and opportunistic marketing.

Of course these companies have the right to choose not to sell to anyone, and to say whatever they want about it.

But if firearms and ammunition makers are going to refuse sales to anyone in the business of stripping "inalienable rights" from the world's people, the list of places they won't sell ought to be a lot longer than a few states with gun policies we don't like.

All the arms makers refusing sales to governments and organizations that don't protect the rights to free speech, choice of religion, and trial by jury, please line up to my left.
All the arms makers refusing sales to governments and organizations that don't protect the rights to free speech, choice of religion, and trial by jury, please line up to my left.

Well, there goes sales to most middle eastern and north Arican countries, and a few in southeast Asia.

China too.

Kinda funny how we do billions of dollars worth of business with China but not Cuba, but that is another story for another day.......
Although I understand the reason behind making the comparison between selling to NY or to a Country that is not democratic. I don't feel its a fair comparison. I do think there is a distinction to be made between OUR goverment infringing on our constitional rights and the founding principles of our country and another county who's citizen do not have those rights to begin with. I also don't feel its fair to label this a PR stunt. If they in fact did make a similar stance back in 2002 against other infringements in California and have stood by that decision its much more then a stunt.

I would love to see U.S. companies move to keep our technology in firearms within the government of fee societies like ours. But that is quite a bit more of a wish then a reality.

Now U.S. Companies taking a stand against OUR Government becoming more like those we are concerned about the sales to. I think that is a reasonable place for these companies to start and I applaud them for it I would like to see bigger companies stepping forward to follow this example but of course we get into the issues of a company that is publicly held trying to make the right choice in opposition to additional profit.
Wendell and Capt. Jeff I agree but it is a little late the U.S. government has just purchased huge amounts of ammo for law enforcement agencies in hollow point configuration,ammo banned by the geneva convention too pricey for target practice. Wonder who they intend to use it on?

You must be refering to “No More Hesitation” targets like the one of the pregnant woman.

While it may be disturbing to some I think it is a nessessary training aid so LEO's can train for every situation possible. The split second thought process of shoot or not to shoot comes down to training and this is just another training tool. Again, it may not be want people want to see but it is a fact that bad guy / gal or young shooters come in all shapes and sizes.
They were not purchased for local law enforcement, and I get what you're saying. However too many things are happening at once for it to sit well with me.
They were not purchased for local law enforcement, and I get what you're saying. However too many things are happening at once for it to sit well with me.

I hear ya...
Although I understand the reason behind making the comparison between selling to NY or to a Country that is not democratic. I don't feel its a fair comparison.

Fair enough Brandon--and I'm not going to fall on my sword arguing about this. But go back and take a look at Mr. Barrett's statement, especially this paragraph--

"In the course of world history there have been officials that strip inalienable rights from the people that were given to all by our Creator. Most of these officials inevitably come to trial, some do not."

I don't thinks folks in China, Libya, or Venezuela (to pick a few examples) got any different rights from the Creator than I did. I was just luckier in where my parents were living when I was born.

If this is just about legal rights we US citizens get under the Constitution, then anyone who thinks that CA or NY laws conflict with the constitution ought to be heading for court to get the issue resolved. (Has anyone challenged their constitutionality yet?)

Finally (I can't help it--the old high school debater in me sometimes insists on being taken out for a walk), if Mr. Barrett feels so strongly about being "an accomplice to any lawbreaker" by selling them a firearm or ammo, can we assume he's strongly in favor of universal background checks to make sure no felons get their hands on his products?