Unloading boxes......but here!

Dave Church

Well-known member
Well I have made it to Maryland and now I'm trying to un box and find my "stuff". Great drive across the country and thru the Shenandoah Valley, almost forgot how pretty some of that country is. I need to get the boxes emptied so I can use them to start building my home.... Haha. Hope to chat with you all soon. dc
Good luck,you have moved closer to the puzzle palace, maybe you can stop by and slap old joe on the back and shake obamas dirty hand.
Do not go insane......repeat after me " I promise to not go insane during this move....I promise to not go...."

Where is that.... *&^%M(*&^*YBYHFx&)9885%%&YRFTYR$%#%^... ITEM??? The box ate it, that I am sure of.

Good luck Dave..
david, welcome. Take your time unloading. Where are you at in Maryland, if you stay across the bay then your doing good. For the rest of us on the DC side like everyone says take it slow. Drivers are nuts, be patient, getting anywhere in a hurry is impossible so plan ahead and enjoy there's tons to do and see. I hunt Cambridge so I'm over there a bunch. Welcome
Bill if you are asking for requests, I need to get my slaps and shakes out of the way first........I'm sure there is a long line for those two. dc
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Is that where the cookies come from, take it easy mate and dont get to stressed.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.