Ureaduck Decoys

The price on those decoys are very high @ 559.00 a doz.
I do have a couple of their decoys that I use for sea ducks, IMHO they chip and dent way to easily, I've had to repair them multiple times. In fact I received one from the factory with a huge void in the head that I had to repair straight from the box.

My hand painted plastic magnums work just as well, take a beating better without damage and cost 4x less.

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I have 3 of the wind driven, that I use for Sea Ducks. They work fine but I think they're way over priced.. Quack decoys are much more durable and less money
I have some brant from Knutsons, they are plastic but cost far less than the decoys you are considering and look pretty nice on the water. They also make Scoters & Old Squaw.

for sea ducks plastic is much more durable i use some of their wind driven to get birds to see decoys but you need to take care with them good luck
Steve - I can vouch for Quack also............have a dozen goose floaters that have to be 25 years old............no worries.

Don't know if they make sea duck blocks. My goose deeks are rubber and really well made.

Steve - I can vouch for Quack also............have a dozen goose floaters that have to be 25 years old............no worries.

Don't know if they make sea duck blocks. My goose deeks are rubber and really well made.


Sarge. The Scoters and Eiders are rubber too. They take shot and don't seem to leak. Yank en over the gunnels and bounce em off the deck. I love em.
I can attest for Tracy at urea duck. He is a great guy that takes great pride in his product, and I am sure that if you had problems, he would make it right.
I have two of the battery operated fliers that sit on a pole. The wings wore out after a few hunts, they are made from some type of hard resin which chipped and broke beaks, and the lid for the batteries is kind of a plug which fell off and land in the water.

So now they sit in my locker....oh yeah....noisy when running and the batteries die quick.

I have 2 Toledo decoys. IMO the are superior to any foam burlapped decoy out there and much better than ure -a -duck.

Buying Toldeo decoys would be a good investment, the will last a life time.
