*VOTE~Traveling Decoy~VOTE*

Just a little over 21 hours to cast your vote for the one decoy that will travel accross North America. I have yet to hear from a handfull of host hunters...get your votes in. I'll be tallying up the votes tomorrow morning including all those I have recieved via PM and email.

Rememeber , there are two teal, so be sure to specify the carver.

Love all the decoys and the makers should be very proud of their work and talent. I would love to hunt over the teal pair but will be seeing mostly mallards by the time they come my way so I will vote for the mallard drake. Once again, great job everyone.

I'm partial...

PJG Teal


The Traveler has been chosen...After totaling up all the votes from this post and PMs (there were alot of those too!) the winner is...Pete's Mallard by a nose!


Thanks to all those who offered decoys for the chosing!

Pete, I'll be sending you Jay's mailing address privately. Do you have any suggestions for a name for the decoy...or shall we open it up to the peanut gallery?

Thanks again to all those who voted too,
