Weather has changed....again...


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It was 75 degrees on Saturday & Sunday.
Yesterday was drizzly and never got above 65.
This morning is was 38 on the back porch, clear sunny skies with a screamming north wind. They had frost 1 hour north of us.
If this keeps up, we are going to have one hell of a season on the Gulf Coast.

Hows the weather in your neck of the woods?
Shoot Carl, you had a colder night than we did up here. Never got below 50 up here last night.

The cold front is supposed to hit here during the day today, with temps dropping into the 20's tonight. Still, not much in the way of real cold for this late in the season.
Funny how being on one side or the other of the cold front makes all the difference!

I know its not cold by some standards, but for here on the Gulf Coast, its been a cold late October/early November.

A good friend of mine lives in Bath and it has been colder in Huntsville than Bath the past couple of days.

I am still thinking about coming up for a Eider hunt....if I do, I drop you a line and we can have lunch

Where is here?
Need to at least add your state to your profile!
Middle of the afternoon Sunday, it was 73F...Middle of the afternoon Monday, 33F. The wife and I went for a walk after dinner yesterday and it was blowing flurries in our faces.

What a difference in 24 hours!

65 here in Montauk yesterday. I put a pit in the ground up in Riverhead and damm near died of heat exaustion. No frost yet for us. Maybe in the Pine Barrens there was some. It'l get cold sooner or later.
Huntsville, AL, up where Eric lives, hit 31F at the airport this morning, I am betting they had frost outside of town and got below freezing up in the hills!