Westlake--Are you headed to Cleveland next month?

No way this year but it is on my "to do" list for next year. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys. I may do a mail in entry this year just for giggles.

Of course we'll be there. Way too much fun to miss. We've got a full row set up in the ballroom along (decoys & paint) with a club table (www.scfwa.net) and we'll be somewhere up on the 3rd floor enjoying a few drinks now and then. Join us.
Also, don't miss the afterglow around the pool on Sunday after the show.
See you there.
Lou & Anne Tisch
I'll be making the trip again this year. Going to pick up some cork and wood plus other goodies. MapQuest says West Lake is 2100+ miles from here but I'll be traveling through Topeka on the way so not counting side trips I'll be doing about 4500+ miles before I get back home. Hope to meet and greet some new and old friends.

Finally convinced Gary March (with Grant's help) to make the trip so he can see what a great bunch of folks assemble there. Already told him that he will be OD'd on decoys after about the first 4 hours but he does like 2 fingers of Scotch so..............so you folks be kind to him. :)
I plan being there but can't get there until either late Friday or Saturday. Looking forward to meeting some DBHP members and seeing lots of great decoys. Brad F save some space in the truck for some cedar.
I will be there Friday for the painting seminar and staying all weekend. This is my first time there and it sounds like a great show.
I just talked to my dad and he said he would watch my dogs, so I'm making plans to come in the next few days. Hitch
Mike F. and I are going. We will be getting in Friday and leaving on Monday and it would be great to do a get together. Last year was the frist year for me and now I don't think I would miss it, a great time.
It seems like there is some interest in a little Duckboats get together at the show. Since I started this post why don't I take the lead and maybe set a time of say 8:00pm on Saturday evening around the pool.

And just to make it interesting if you would like please bring a food or drink that is unique to your area to share. Don't feel like you have to bring something to participate though I think it would be great just to meet everyone.

As stated before I'm going to bring Duquesne Beer from here in Pittsburgh. That's pronounced Doo-Kane by the way.
I'm sticking around Sunday. I remember that blackend duck that Hank had going. Maybe some fried gator tail will be on the menu if we're still on? Hitch

That would be super if you could head up a gathering for duckboats.net members. Take pictures of people doing dumb stuff and having fun. Anything to show us guys who won't be at the show.


That would be super if you could head up a gathering for duckboats.net members. Take pictures of people doing dumb stuff and having fun. Anything to show us guys who won't be at the show.


That should be pretty easy...lol. A few years back Jeff Coats went into the pool with his waders on. There were pictures floating around the Internet of that. I'm hoping to get up there that weekend.
hey hitch, you want to try some escabeche made from perdiz? May have to hack a chunk out of the container.
Fellows, I removed the beginning of this post due to several nasty emails I received from the other group.

Now this is what I know, and I'm a Pittsburgh guy and this really pains me to write this (a little joke), this decoy show in Cleveland is flat out the best there is anywhere. Even though I live about 150 miles away I consider Westlake to be my hometown show. The guys who have worked hard for years to keep this thing running need our help. There comes a time when you have to stand up and be counted and that time is March 16, 17 and 18 at the Westlake Holiday Inn in Cleveland. We need to make this a shoulder to shoulder event. If you were on the fence about coming this year come off the fence and see the show. If you are within driving distance and can only come for one of the days then do. If you would like to come but maybe will need to buddy up for a ride then chime in and someone will be able to help you.

The ballroom will be filled with dealers who will be selling supplies for decoy making. Please patronize them. If all you can afford are a couple sets of eyes or tubes of paint then buy those. A lot of little purchases will keep these people coming back. Some of the Antique Decoy Dealers will be doing both shows. Please patronize them also, go into their rooms look at what they have brought, ask questions and get to know them. My friend Jeff Cross the Antique Dealer will be there with a full room, please accept my invitation to visit Room 158 and ask questions. Those who have in the past have learned that he is extremely knowledgeable and will talk your ear off about decoys. Many of the rooms around the pool will have contemporary decoy makers in them this year, please look at their decoys also. Many of the best Competitive decoy makers will be at the show, Del Herbert, Tom Christie, Rick Johannson, Dick Rhode, I know all of these guys and I'm confident that any one of them will be glad to give you a few pointers. Find me and I'll answer any questions you have about how I do things. Bring some of your work to look at, I'd love to see it.

Decoy shows are something that is uniquely American (no slight to all my Canadian friends) and we have had them from sometime around the mid 1930's. If we do not step up this year we could loose this great show over one guy's ego.

So Eric, yes I will organize a Duckboats get together. This web page community has been very friendly and welcoming to me since I joined. And I will take photos and post them afterward.

And one last thing, join the ODCCA when you are there. Personally I let my membership lapse last year but I'll be rejoining as soon as I arrive on Friday. Your membership will help the club ensure that this show will continue for many years into the future.

I'll see you around the pool.
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And one last thing, join the ODCCA when you are there.

Maybe Duane can confirm this, but admission is $6, and a years membership is $20 and includes your admission, right? I told Duane I was going to join, in fact, asked if a membership drive on Duckboats would help the show, which he didn't think was necessary, but I will agree with John that I think this is the best show going, and even if you don't agree with all the rules, I feel that the Wildfowlers/Shooting Stool is the best gunning decoy contest going as well. Although the show catches me at a point where I am typically working 6 and a half days a week, I manage to schedule myself with that Sunday off and make a long day of it and come back energized in a way that proper sleep couldn't match.

I'll be there Sunday...up at 2AM, usually home around 9PM...poolside for most of the day. Hope to see many faces I know there and meet some more as well.

And one last thing, join the ODCCA when you are there.

Maybe Duane can confirm this, but admission is $6, and a years membership is $20 and includes your admission, right?
That correct Chuck........Look forward to seeing eveyone very soon. Travel safe. And John, Thanks again. Look forward to talking at Westlake.
Looks to me like everyone that can should join even if you are not competing. You must be there because you have common interest with the group...I'd hope....so it's an easy way to donate a few bucks...$14 over the admission price. In the past I didn't join as I don't enter anything but I did buy raffle tickets, bid (and won a few things) in the Saturday PM auction, bought a cook book years back and a hat, etc. ...so they got a bunch of my dollars there for sure..but this year I'll join also.