What did I luck into?


Active member
I purchased a bunch of old(er) decoys today, it?s a mix of cork, cork on wood, and all wooden decoys. I?m certain I got a good deal on these, seller set the price, but I don?t actually know anything about them. Maybe you guys could help me with some details as to origin and likely value? I?ll just post a few pictures of 4 of them to start. Thanks in advance 44839049-6652-44F5-8766-5F2E84ADB316.jpeg3BF7A12F-90A4-41E4-AC83-8882E5EECC47.jpeg180AEEB8-09D5-41BC-90B5-636944776F66.jpegE414D689-B49C-4056-96C1-ABE2792B2EE0.jpeg4CF7E981-8EEE-4427-B552-09F110CA0678.jpeg
They're all junk. I have some space in the transfer station located in my basement where you can recycle them with good environmental conscious [whistle]
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Nick Zito said:
They're all junk. I have some space in the transfer station located in my basement where you can recycle them with good environmental conscious [whistle]

If you transfer some of your homers to me, maybe [smile]
0The odies ND HEADS ON THOSE CANS ARE JUST SUPER! the other cans are factory models, most likely from pascagoula, miss. Animal trap is a good bet on the company. You didn'tdoo too shabby on the broadbills, either!
george w said:
0The odies ND HEADS ON THOSE CANS ARE JUST SUPER! the other cans are factory models, most likely from pascagoula, miss. Animal trap is a good bet on the company. You didn'tdoo too shabby on the broadbills, either!
Thank you, that first pair are my favorites of the bunch.
The first pair look like 2 inch refrigerator cork on 1 inch pine board. They should float really well. What is on the bottom / underside?

Just wondering what are the dimensions of those Cans if you don't mind sharing that info? I thought that they looked like 3 inches of cork on top of the bottom board which would make the head and neck about another 3 1/2 to 4 inches and the decoy about 12 inches long.

They are really nice looking overall.