What is dumber?

As others have mentioned the second coastal split in NJ has traditionally opened on Thanksgiving morning and it seems to be a popular time to hunt. I know I always looked forward to it when I was away at school so I could come home and hunt that morning.

I've also done the Christmas hunt as well, usually in the afternoon if we were having dinner at home. I recall one year a nice op-ed was written in the local fish wrapper about the 'heathens' hunting on Christmas. We had a good shoot that year!
I'm going to hunt the opener, we're having dinner late. Wife doesn't seem to mind it.
They didnt want to open a split on the 23rd & 24th because that the opening day of deer season, we dont have enough biologist and wardens to go around as it is, let alone cover two opener's on the same day.
Growing up in WI we always had a noon opener, they have since moved it 9am. I think the issue was safety. Thanksgiving day hunting has been a tradition in our family since I could remember. We also served various wild game at dinner every year. I haven't been home for thanksgiving in years, but I still make it a point to hunt thanksgiving every year.
Welcome to WI for years Eric....We fought and fought the stupid DNR to change the opening time to 1/2 hr before sunrise on the opener....finally they agreed to change the time..........guess what..now it is 9 am....

best of luck either way.
Well, here in Ohio, NE Ohio that is. We have neither.

A couple years ago, some idiots, I don't say that lightly, (and that's only my opinion), got a bunch of their buddies together and petitioned the state to change the seasons so they could shoot Mallards in the fields late in the season when they're out goose hunting. Now our seasons are closed during the peak migration for most of the other ducks. Almost all of November. Now it's closed for Thanksgiving.

I guess I'll go work on some decoys...

Well Eric I have a little different perspective on the opener in the dark. Way too many guys only hunt the opener and don't scout, test boats or even the lights. From a safety standpoint I don't mind the late start. Too bad but to use a WAY overused phrase- "If it only saves one life --------". Interesting that in Minn. we have not seen the accidents I thought we would with the early opener. Just goes to show that I can be wrong;-). I agree with the holiday issue though, not all families are willing to make a holiday a hunting day. I would love it but then no one asked me
I see a holiday opener in a different way. I think it may have been an attempt to give the guys and gals who cannot normally take a weekday off an opportunity to hunt as well. For many waterfowling is something they can only do on weekends. While I agree your opener may have been poorly timed I like the idea of giving everyone a chance to get in on the action.
The south zone of Missouri has opened on Thanksgiving day as long as I have been duck hunting. Pretty sure I've made every opener, and Thanksgiving is a very big deal to my wife and her family. I just make sure I'm back in the truck and on my way in time to get there before the meal is served.
I've always hunted on Thanksgiving morning dad and grandpa did too. Our season opens on the 15th. The since Sandy died I go to Ohiofor the holiday.
Eric, I for one would usually be excited about a Thanksgiving opener..This year the powers that be, or higher up..is a bust.