What is the actual point of a possession limit????

Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say I have 28 breasts from mallards in my freezer(that would be the breasts from 14 mallards, they have 2 that I know of).

Since I have already consumed all the legs and thighs of those same mallards, don't I actually have half of 14 birds in my possession, there by allowing me another days limit in the freezer?
I mean I have consumed half of each of the original birds that were in my possession and technically, doesn't it state birds not meat?

On every forum I visit, in every year I have been online, this issue has always been thrown around. Usually, when everyone has birds(or parts there of) in the freezer.

Wouldn't it be nice if when the Flyway Committees meet, they could clarify this often questioned area of possession.

What do you think Brad B.,you seem well informed? Would this be an issue worthy of the USFWS time. I think we spend alot of money on these resources and the industries that support them.
Aren't we, the hunting public, the people that pay and have paid the highest price(s) for conservation and protection of these resources, worth at least that much?