What I've become.


Active member

After four years, a strained back, broken toe, torn medial patellar ligament, a black eye and severeral bruizes and contuzes, I've become a blackbelt. I put this right up there with graduating college and building my first boat. Below is me with my sensei who is a 6th degree blackbelt. Notice my red badge of courage below my left eye. I did 12 rounds with two of them being two against me, and another two of three against me. My bell was rang twice, and my belly hit alot more times. It was gruelling, but it is over and I got the belt.


My gee is just as white as his, but I've sweated mine through.
Congratulations Ken. I've practiced some martial arts (karate and aikido), but never to that level. I know the work involved. Well done.

Now you won't need your 12G when hunting ducks. You'll be able to kick 'em out of the air!!! :^)
Congratulations on the belt.

That takes some serious doing and some real dedication.

I used to do KemPo, and eneded up far from a black belt, but I was able to gain a lot of other things through it.
Congratulations. Talk about "The school of hard knocks!". I never pursued past yellow as kids and family required more jobs. That is quite an achievement.
We have a guy in purchasing who has a wife and two daughters. His wife and daughters all have black belts. Poor SOB.

Congrats Ken, that's huge.
Thanks everyone. My two daughters are Junior blackbelts and will be eligable to test for BB when they are 12.

I've taken off this morning since I couldn't sleep last night bacause of headache, legs aching and on the verge of cramping (thank God for Skelaxin), a quezy stomach that was probably just empty because I didn't feel like eating, and a mind that wouldn't let go of the ordeal I had finished. I was awake past 2:00AM.

I can't go kick butt now because I'm big so that no one ever messes with me. Oh well.
I have some people down the street that have been giving me some trouble. What do you charge? There are 4 of them but only one is really big.
Funny thing, I loved to fight before I studied karate...then saw how fragile the human body can be and how easily someone...or me...could be killed or maimed. After that I wasn't such a prick.
I will be sure to not sneak in your blind. Haha, very cool. I'm only 27 and cant do much of anything like that with a torn disc. Congratulations and good job on the hard work.