What was lost is FOUND!!!!

Talk to your mail man and UPS, FedEx, etc. My Mom had her jack russel stollen right behind her house a few years ago.(I think she loves that dog more then her own children.) The UPS guy ended up overhearing a girl talking about it at the local icecream place. Long story short I took my Mom to the peoples house that night and got her dog back. You never know who may have seen him or heard something about a black lab. The more people that know he is missing and who he belongs to the better chance you have of getting him back. Best of luck I hope you find. Luke Berkey
My thoughts and prayers are with you, man! Can't imagine what you're going through . . .
Thanks fellas we have adds out in the paper, via the web, signs up everywhere, signs in all the places we do business in town and most importantly my barbershop. have contacted all vets in a 30mile circle and are just praying for a miracle.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you get him back soon. If you have a local radio station, call them if you haven't. I hear the DJ's making such announcements on our local station frequently. Good luck.
we are praying with you Tom. Hoping he comes home soon. Do you know of anyone with females dogs within a mile or two of you? Sometimes those male dogs just like to hang out around the kennel to keep her company.
Well the wife went to put a new flyer up at the vet's office in town and there was our dog in the waiting room. A lady had kept him in her house since Saturday and finally felt bad since she knew he was a family dog and took him to the vet's office. Rex went wild when the wife and youngest walked in. Lucky for us the lady and her family had a change of heart that is how close it came to never seeing him again. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes, hopes, words of encouragement and prayers. It was definitely uplifting to get the call at work and then be able to have him waiting at the door when I got home.
AWESOME TOM!!!! That is way too close for comfort... Sad that they were actually going to keep the dog without scanning for a chip first.

I am very happy it worked out for you.
That's great! I wouldn't be too upset that someone was tempted to keep him, I'd take it as a compliment that you raised a fine dog.

Good to hear! Rex in the picture you posted looked just like our Pete, so it really hit home. Extra hugs all around!

wow. congrats Tom. That was a little close, I cant imagine what you have been going through over the past few days.

Funny how some people think. The last thing I would think when I found a dog would be to keep it.

So glad to here that you've got your dog back. I had to put down one of my setters last week and I've been following your story. I think what you had to go through probably was even rougher.

Please give your dog a hug for me.

Holy key-rap! I was really upset about the whole thing. I talked to my wife about it last night, who is a dog lover beyond compare, who is involved in many rescues, etc. She was about ready to come down and help you look. We are so happy for you! Good to hear!
that is great news. I am going to guess you must be a very happy camper right now.
I am very glad for your family you have your pal back.

Enjoy that wet nose and wagging tail.