What was lost is FOUND!!!!

Awesome to hear that Tom, like someone else said, your photo looked just like Bailey, and really did hit home when I read about it. Really great to hear that you found him!!!!!!

Wow! Awesome news Tom. Now, make sure those kids put the right collar back on the wandering minstrel!
Great to see it worked out, and its nice to see that people can still do the right thing, even if they have to think about it.
Best - Paul

I lost Shah once and it was the hardest thing I ever went through, tougher than any grief my kids ever gave me. Great news Tom!! Splendid!

You better keep an extra close eye on him. Once they experience the excitement of running free, it really gets in their blood. I never had a problem with mine escaping until a neighbors dog came in heat. So they dug their way out one day. My wife and I were both at work but fortunately my wife came home for lunch and discovered them gone. She caught one about a block away and the other a neighbor just happened to spot running along a busy road about a mile away. He caught him and returned him to my wife. To make a short story shorter,since then they would try to escape every chance got. I ended up getting a yard containment system with the shock collars. They learned very quick what the perimeter is. That's been a couple of years ago and haven't had a problem since. Great peace of mind!