what would you do

I have never used a surface drive myself always hunted in NJ but as other have said i dont think waves and that type of motor would be a good match. Surface drives have there use and can and are great but just not in swells i would think that the prop would spend as much time in the water as it would out going over waves. I have never seen a surface drive in NJ on the salt marshes ever guessing there is a reason for that. I think the salt water plays a big factor in that aswell. I just know that that boat and the good 25hp he has will get him out there and back safe in the nasty NJ weather. Just MHO
I have used mud motors for years. I own a long tail and have hunted from a boat with a surface drive. Both styles of motors tend to drive the bow of the boat down and it travels very flat in the water. They do not trim to a bow up position in my experience. The consequence of this in waves, chop or swells is that you get a very wet ride and take a lot of water over the bow. They also tend to wallow in a following sea because of the position and angle of the prop. There is a tendancy for the prop to lift clear of the water if the waves are of sufficient size.
that what i was really concernd about i don't want to be in a bad chop with a prop sticking out of the water spinning free
Thanks guys. You make a valid point on the trim.
Before I spend any money I think I had better look into it
a litter more.

I also use a long tail mudmotor (25 hp), and it works great for it's intended purpose.

I'd like to thank all of you guys for your kind comments on the boats I build. It's always good to hear that your all enjoying your boats.I will be making another donation to DHBP from the sale of this boat. Tom.

I'm in Lancaster (Elizabethown) and have two boats set up for hunting coastal NJ. You're welcome to come take a look or I can meet you on the "river" and save you a drive:) I run a TDB classic 14 with a 25 longshaft and a 16' Starcraft with a 50hp. Both prop motors. In NJ you will want a prop and power tilt if you can get it. I can go VERY shallow with a properly set up prop motor as well as handle some very snotty stuff in the bay. I don't have personal experience with a surface drive but I don't think they would work well in the "washing machine" chop that comes up in high winds, tide and only about 5' of water depth. Even my props come out of the water sometimes. Ice would also be a consideration. You may end up breaking ice even if you don't go out planning on it!

Good luck!

jeff i would run it the way it is for year than make up your mind i know it works well the way it is now best of luck
Jeff... thats a gorgeous duckboat. I wanted to buy it, but had to sell my boat first. If you ever decide you want to sell it, I am first in line! Good luck with it....