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I saw Joe Walsh and Barnstorm in 1975 in NYC. Rocky Mountain Way was still a big one, Funk 49-was that them? Vince will know!
I saw Joe Walsh and Barnstorm in 1975 in NYC. Rocky Mountain Way was still a big one, Funk 49-was that them? Vince will know!
James Gang - FUNK 49. Saw them at a club in Youngstown, Ohio cost of admission $1.00. Major and "new" Bands each week at different venues. Incredible crazy times they were. Sound tracks of the 1960's and 1970's, live and in person. One reason (added to others) as to why I have hearing aids. The music still holds up all these years later.
James Gang - FUNK 49. Saw them at a club in Youngstown, Ohio cost of admission $1.00. Major and "new" Bands each week at different venues. Incredible crazy times they were. Sound tracks of the 1960's and 1970's, live and in person. One reason (added to others) as to why I have hearing aids. The music still holds up all these years later.
I used to crank up #49 and the bomber and my guitar amp and let it rip when my folks weren't home. My poor neighbor (Col Robert Emmens/sp) from Doolittles raiders would leave angry messages on my parents tape voicemail (which I would erase before they got back from running errands). I feel like such a bastard for it now, but, it was funk #49 after all.
I did a memory re-check and realized I had to have seen Joe Walsh in 1972 or 1973, and it was at the Academy of Music. In any event, here is Funk #49 from 2006:

My neighbor passed away last Saturday, his funeral was today. He had a bit of a reputation for being grumpy but in reality he was a very kind man. He just didn't like fools. He was able to only spend one month in a nursing home after a very independent almost 87 years. I will miss him and hope we meet again.

I totally forgot this song and had not heard it for I don't know how long until @BrBallard put in in his 1/31 Coffee Doodle post. Thank you Brian for bringing this song to my playlist.

Just saw Eagles and Joe in concert last summer in Indy. He said, " I went to a party and stayed up three days in one night". Figure that one out. Good song.
