Steve Sanford Well-known member Jan 30, 2022 #82 Good morning, Joe~ Here's much of the story - from back in 2014:;do=post_view;search_string=cassiopeia#p252871 I have some later adornments I've added since - but I think the photos are on my other laptop. And, yes, Craig has a heater - and stove - in her. She was built to serve as the tender for White-Wing:;do=post_view;search_string=White-Wing#p290525 All the best, SJS
Good morning, Joe~ Here's much of the story - from back in 2014:;do=post_view;search_string=cassiopeia#p252871 I have some later adornments I've added since - but I think the photos are on my other laptop. And, yes, Craig has a heater - and stove - in her. She was built to serve as the tender for White-Wing:;do=post_view;search_string=White-Wing#p290525 All the best, SJS
Steve Sanford Well-known member Jan 30, 2022 #83 Joe~ I just found the "kitchen" post:;do=post_view;search_string=cassiopeia#p274603 Hope you're all shoveled out! SJS
Joe~ I just found the "kitchen" post:;do=post_view;search_string=cassiopeia#p274603 Hope you're all shoveled out! SJS
Vince Pagliaroli Well-known member Jan 30, 2022 #84 Decoy Monster Machine, That's a mighty fine rig of Pintails. Plenty of interaction between the poses and the top view sez it all. Two Thumbs Up! Best regards Vince
Decoy Monster Machine, That's a mighty fine rig of Pintails. Plenty of interaction between the poses and the top view sez it all. Two Thumbs Up! Best regards Vince
J Joseph Sarno Active member Jan 31, 2022 #85 Steve, thanks for sharing that with me. i want one when can we start?