What's on your work bench? September 2019


It might make you feel better to know just to the side of the camera's view is a huge mess. I need to get the DC ductwork complete because there is a thick layer everywhere and even a face mask doesn't keep me from sneezing.


Jode -

Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated.

Your work is outside the lines and boundaries that can confine us. Yet your foundation is firmly rooted in decoy history. Very unique and eye opening. Makes me smile.

As artists, carvers, and craftsmen we all get in the hermit mode. Going to shows and being with the folks in our waterfowl community freshens our out look, and sparks inspiration.

Sharing keeps things in balance. As you wrote "well worth a little laryngitis!"

"At least the artist has a object, something he can heft - here THIS is what my time has made!... To leave behind you something solid, a physical memorial..." - Charles Movalli

Best regards
Matt Mahoney said:

Please post photos of you miter saw dust pickup system once you have it installed. I have a downdraft in the well behind the saw and it doesn't work very well.


Matt, I haven't figured out DC for the slider yet but will post pictures of what I come up with, success or otherwise.

The sign of a busy shop is the amount of dust and even clutter. Enjoy the empty while you can. Have a ball![;)]
george w said:
The sign of a busy shop is the amount of dust and even clutter. Enjoy the empty while you can. Have a ball![;)]

Mine's been busy, and it shows just outside of the camera field-of-view.
Eric Patterson said:
Matt Mahoney said:

Please post photos of you miter saw dust pickup system once you have it installed. I have a downdraft in the well behind the saw and it doesn't work very well.


Matt, I haven't figured out DC for the slider yet but will post pictures of what I come up with, success or otherwise.


The one we had at work (for building pallets) had a non moving hood over and behind the saw . I don't have any pictures but it seemed to do an adequate job.