When did Kenny Rogers start selling chicken?

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
You can't imagine the delight of my tastebuds to be reintroduced to real gravy and after the amount of rice and noodles passed by them on this trip. We have been in Malaysia for about 10 days now and I was doing really well at trying the new foods I've never heard of before (sundried minnows are actually OK), but that chicken of Kenny's was over the top. There's a huge mall http://www.backpackingmalaysia.com/things-to-do/times-square-kl-shopping-mall/kuala-lumpur
near us with all kinds of American franchises including, wait for it... Krispy Kreme donuts! OMG! I've never had one before. So sweet my teeth hurt. I love American cuisine.

dont eat too many of those crispy creams. They put something in them that makes you crazy. Soon you start driving out of your way to get a doz.

dont eat too many of those crispy creams. They put something in them that makes you crazy. Soon you start driving out of your way to get a doz.


Ain't that the truth!!!! My wife says I make a really disturbing face when I eat one of the hot glazed donuts!!!!! LOL
My office is 2 miles from the CC store. The best time is to go at night when they are making the donuts “Hot and Fresh”.
If you recall, there was a Seinfeld episode where Kramer was hooked on Kenny Rogers Chicken ….
dont eat too many of those crispy creams. They put something in them that makes you crazy. Soon you start driving out of your way to get a doz.


I know a guy who was so distracted when he saw the new store open he rearended someone...true story
I used to see that damn neon light flashing in the window saying that the fresh donuts were ready. When you walk in and just smell the air you get diabetes and a few cavities. SOOOOOOO good!
