Where in the hell?

I still live in a part of the country where some of this still survives, but with the people in Washington dc forcing our schools to teach our children the "progressive" view of the world I dont think our way of life will be tolorated much longer.
I'm from what they call the Greatist Generation and it's about time you all woke up and did something about the situation if it isn't already too late!!!!!!!!
wis boz

Boz, many of us are trying...but damn the kids you raised are a bunch of whiners...the damn baby boomers are ruing it for the rest of us!!! They all got to grow up on the fat of the land, but now they are getting older they want to continue to just take (gross generalization but still true in many cases) it just amazes me how many from that generation just EXPECT everything to be given to them...I can only imagine how their kids and their grandkids have turned out.

just saw it, 21,000,000 federal jobs...up 15% from 10 years ago...more and more on the government roles trying to become the next Greece.

As much as I try with my own kids, you still have to "drive them" to the woods and participate with them vs them doing it with 2-3 buddies on their own, hell the buddies mom's won't let them out of the house unless an adult is with them.
It's going to be "the kids" to turn this mess around. The present generations are too wrapped up in their own little worlds to do it.
wis boz
in a society of dramatic, over protective, gay, anti-Christian, and down right crazy people it makes me glad to see what I consider normal still being displayed some places... I tell my wife all the time at public places "you know I just don't fit in anymore"
I think were out there, were just a generally conservative group of individuals "speak softly and carry a big stick" right? Maybe its time to speak louder and shake the stick... I don't know.. but I sure feel like it wouldn't be a surprise if the good lord showed up in the street tomorrow with a big broom and cleaned it all up..
No doubt,grew up on the Hudson,using catfish bait to shoot rats. Walked back through town with 22's , never had a problem. Handled long arms since I was 5 ,pistols 10. My father would bait us into taking a weapon with the action closed. If you took it without asking him to open it,even if you just saw check it himself , you were done.