Where were all the CT guys last night???


Well-known member
Scott, Tod, missed you at the regs meeting last night. Only around 30 guys showed up. Worse turnout than last year. I remember 60+ guys not too many years back. Good to see Chris Finch and BobB. No other DHBP guys. No big news. Early season opener is Saturday October 10th. 4 scaup this year. Everything else pretty much the same.

You're season opens that early in Ct.
We don't open in Long Island until around Thanksgiving day.
What do you guys have for a split season up there?
I had a good time but im not looking foward to the saturday opener. Looks like im going to be helping kelly kubik the wildlife technitian band ducks in the fall and winter and give him a hand with the grouse project. It is definetly nice to work with animals that are warm and not slimy
I was away playing golf up in the Catskills. How late is the north and south zones open for? I am sure he didn't give us that extra week in Jan..
Scott, Tod, missed you at the regs meeting last night. Only around 30 guys showed up. Worse turnout than last year. I remember 60+ guys not too many years back. Good to see Chris Finch and BobB. No other DHBP guys. No big news. Early season opener is Saturday October 10th. 4 scaup this year. Everything else pretty much the same.


I'll get you a written note Jim, but I was out of town :).

I had a good time but im not looking foward to the saturday opener. Looks like im going to be helping kelly kubik the wildlife technitian band ducks in the fall and winter and give him a hand with the grouse project. It is definetly nice to work with animals that are warm and not slimy

Kelly is a great guy, just don't ever let him mail anything bloody for you!
