Where's the snake??


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Alrighty, perhaps someone can help me out. Beyond a baby snake in a trash can, I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of snake this was.

It was about four inches long.

I found it in the middle of the night after I got up and came back to the room with the dog following me, heading to his bed and then all of a sudden he's scrambling away. I look over and baby snake has decided that my dogs bed is now his bed. Since it was the middle of the night and from where I was I couldn't tell if it was of the poison variety or not, I grabbed the trash can and flipped him into it. Took a few pictures and then let it be free out in the neighbors yard.

Any thoughts?



Dani, sorry I don't have a clue on the snake. But by the looks of the residue in that trash can, it looks like you are overseeding your dove field with wheat or milo (heheheheh). Trip.
"Took a few pictures and then let it be free out in the neighbors yard."

My thought is I don't want you as a neighbor, LOL
Dani, I'm not very familiar with all of the snakes of Florida, but it strongly resembles the queen snake we have in TN. Juvenile snakes are often difficult to ID because their patterns may change. Regardless, it is nonvenomous. Are the scales keeled? Did it have any markings on its belly? My other guess would be juvie water snake.
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Good for you not being all scared of a cute little snake. I thought maybe an baby indigo but just searched and even babies are over a foot and a half long so maybe not. Found this one that looks right. Click here
I like almost all the non venomous snakes you have down there but the venomous and the non native ones would freak me out.


shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone....actually it's my front yard.....

Andrew, Kevin-

hahaha don't have to worry about the neighbor...they aren't there anymore anywho....course perhaps I skeered them away...

Michael, Mark and Tim-

Thanks for the possibilities, I'll see if I can find some baby pictures for those snakes...I don't know if the scales were keeled (as I didn't notice and at the time didn't know the difference anyway), and there weren't any markings on the belly.

I'll keep looking...thanks again

Oh, going to bring them in with a little seed then shoot'em off the wires, huh? Good plan. We'll keep it quiet! Trip.
Dani - my brother who is here with me for the weekend but is a herpetologist in FL says he is 99% sure from the picture that it is a 'Grayhams crayfish snake'. He says the get their name from eating freshly molted crayfish. They are non venomous.

He would be more sure but does not have his field guide here with him in CT. Hope that helps.

Thanks...and tell your brother thanks. Neat to know what other snakes are around here other than the moccassins in the swamp behind our house, the black snakes and the various green snakes we have that come around looking for toads.


I wondered sorta the same thing myownself. hahahah while I wasn't scared of the snake after figuring it to be non poisonous, it did make falling asleep somewhat difficult since my very active imagination was going to town....
