Who gets DU magazine and also....


Active member
crap mailed to you that just happens to be listed in their advertisement section? ooooooo i'm pisssssed! they are selling my address!

my newest thing.. the PAJAMGRAM catalog. now tell me it's just a coincidence that the only time i've ever seen pajamagram was in DU magazine, i never heard of it before and it starts showing up at my NEW address! kenna says.. "hey.. i saw this in one of your magazines" sure enough.. DU .

anyone else getting hit with this crap? i already emailed them and let them know just how sorry they are for allowing me to pay them to make money off me. amazing!

ok.. back to painting decoys.

Haven't noticed what's in the mail, my CFO gets to it first. Better start checking on it. Is that catalog as good as Fredericks?
Jeff, It's the same thing with the NRA. They sell your address and your mail box winds up full of crap THEY think you need. The worst of all of them is Cabela's. Not that they sell your address, it's that they fill your mailbox with catalogs whether you ordered them or not. I can't bitch too much though since Cabela's had reduced my heating bills this winter.

We heat with a wood stove and when it get's going good just before bedtime, I throw a big log and a couple Cabelas catalog in and they tend to keep the house warm all night!

News flash.
They're a politically oriented corporation. Political + corporation = they don't give a crap about you or your privacy. They just want $$
well.. they did get my money.. and they did do a number on me.. but it won't happen next year! i sent them a nice email too... i'm sure they'll have one of their interns respond

no.... it's literally PAJAMAS... BOOOOOOOOOOO
Haven't noticed what's in the mail, my CFO gets to it first. Better start checking on it. Is that catalog as good as Fredericks?
I'm not saying that they don't sell their member lists but to assume that just because you saw an ad in their magazine for a catalog that shows up in your mailbox that its there because of DU is a pure shot in the dark....

If what you say was true then I should be getting (6) of these catalogs, (2) for me, (2) for Debby and (1) each for Buddy and Mike, yet I'm not getting a single one....

Its just as likely that you got the magazine from Cabela's, Bass Pro, Mack's, any of the other mail order houses that you, or your girlfriend, might have ordered from, any of the sporting magazines that you might subscribe to, or any of the "home" or "womens' magazines that your girlfriend subscribes to....they ALL sell their membership lists and each one sells to "targeted" lists...heck go to a Boat Show or a Sportsman Show and fill anything out at one of those places and your on their "sell" list as well.

You clearly don't like it but thats the way it is....and in this case, assuming it was DU that sold your name to the Pajama company, suck it up, throw the thing in the recycling bin and pat yourself on the back for having helped DU do what DU does, raise money to MAKE DUCKS. Thats way better than condemning them and not renewing your membership because the junk mail isn't going to stop and DU will have lost a member that helped suppor the very thing that causes you to carve decoys, hunt ducks and visit this site.....think about it....does dumping them over a little junk mail really make sense?.....

And just remember companiess that buy "targeted" lists also sell their lists....so stick around and the Pajama Company will sell their list to the Panty of the Month company and then you can enjoy the catalog you get in the mail.....

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Try this. Whenever you get junk mail that has a postage paid return envelope shove other junkmail in it and stick it in the box. That way they have to pay the postage bill on junk mail to them.

Another thing I like to do is if a phone marketer calls I tell them I have to put the phone down to get my child. What I don't tell them is I won't be coming back. Keeps them waiting and cuts down on the calls they can get in on their shift.
Those ads can be seen in the back of in several outdoors mags since October. NRA as well as G&A.

To add to Steve's comment...do you have a credit card? all good Americans do! And those credit companies sell their lists for just a few dollars to anyone. So if you want to start pin pointing who put you on the list you need to start with the card companies before you start with DU or the NRA.

And if you have ever ordered anything off a web site you may have only yourself to blame. Many checkout pages have a box on one of the pages that is pre checked for allowing you to be added to The List that they sell. I think that Cabellas is pre checked so before you complete the checkout process you have to uncheck that box at the bottom of the screen. And I think that if you do phone orders to Cabellas the order taker automatically ads you to the list anyway.
"[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Its just as likely that you got the magazine from Cabela's, Bass Pro, Mack's, any of the other mail order houses that you, or your girlfriend, might have ordered from, any of the sporting magazines that you might subscribe to, or any of the "home" or "womens' magazines that your girlfriend subscribes to....they ALL sell their membership lists and each one sells to "targeted" lists.."

like i said.. it's a new house.. no magazines come here except DU, nothing ordered from cabelas, bass pro etc etc while we've been here.. too much of a coincidence i think. anyway.. i'm over it.. just wondered if i was just supposed to accept it without complaining. you know.. maybe it was willy!
person trying to make a living....i.e. "excuse yourself momentarily, putting the phone down and never coming back so that you reduce the number of possible calls made"....I understand the ire that people feel when they get a tele-marketng call but I think its important to remember that the caller isn't the business he's just the employee...a poor schmuch that is trying to make a living so that he can feed his kids, or pay for his college, or buy another decoy....

Screwing with the caller effects the company that he's working for very little, if at all. Maybe its the fact that I've been a saleman all my life and have been given that same "bum's rush" when I was cold calling but I'd greatly prefer to treat the guy with a little courtesy, tell him "no Thanks", and "put me on your no call list" and then hang up. The results are the same on your end and you haven't treated someone who is just trying to make a living in a manner that you wouldn't want to be treated....

Its a crappy world at times, filled with even crappier jobs that no one appreciates but sometimes its the only thing people can do....

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I get about 10 calls a day at work from "stockbrokers" wanting to send me new hot stock picks..I say no thankyou and hang up in about three seconds..when I get one that asks if I remember him calling last month and that he was following up our conversation as promised from him..I say can you hold for a minute..I have a customer in front of me..and stick him on hold or hang up if the phones have been busy. The junk faxes are what really pisses me off..ink and paper get expensive when getting faxes that say "to all employees..39.99 Florida vacations" Or "12.99 full coverage health insurance". Indiana has a law that went into effect to stop this but you have to fill out a 3 page complaint and mail it with a copy of the fax..for each fax that you get..there is supposed to be a tollo free number to call to be taken off the senders list, I called one once and started getting more faxes from different places! I particularly hate getting solicitations on the phone where the caller has a strong Indian or Pakistani accent..immediate hangup if I have to say "What?" I agree with Steve that it is just some poor schmuck trying to earn a living and feel for them.
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What a day for mail...my Wisconsin turkey permit came AND the first of the Victoria Secret swimsuit catalogs. There will be dozens of them but this is the first one....all shiny and new! It's gonna be a great spring :eek:)
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put on the "no call back list" then I'm with Eric...teach him a lesson...be rude...treat him the way he's treating you....thats different though than that first call...

I'm with you on the faxes Lee...I get about (5) a day and they really piss me off cause thats paper and ink and I can't say "NO" and end the transmission....and so far no color panty faxes so I'm stuck with nothing but "buy this stock before the world finds out what a steal it is", or, "Life Insurance covereage for pennies a day"....

Dammed D.U......

I'm with Steve on this one, I have been a DU member for a lot of years and I haven't received the catalog you are talking about, nor any other junk mail I would associate with DU. I don't know about DU but I have noticed that some organizations have a little box to check on the application asking wither they can give your contact info to other organizations. I always check "no".

Beyond that, I believe DU has proven itself to be one of the least contentious, most effective conservation organizations in the history of the world. I do get a lot of other unrelated junk mail and catalogs that I don't want, I just throw them away. I guess that even if DU sold my contact info to other organizations, I would be a little disapointed, but certainly not to the point of quiting them.
I get about 3 or 4 faxes a day that are garbage. Usually stocks or a Bahama cruise for cheap. How about Jay tears a page a day from that Victoria Secret catalog and faxes it to us so we have something to look forward to?
Haha, this is entertaining. Thanks to all, especially DU for starting the thread.