Who gets DU magazine and also....

Maybe you need to apply for that job Eric posted..that way "redundancy" is involved AND you get the warm fuzzy feeling of being somewhat responsible for blowing the living shit out of stuff.
Ohhhh..I see..well, we really should do away with corporations and re distribute the wealth so that everyone has the exact same amount of money..it would stay that way too...since there would be nothing to spend it on...
Heard about this on the radio last Sunday. Go to Optoutprescreen.com and you can sign up to not get credit card offers for 5 years or even for life I think. I just signed up so we will see how long it takes. I've been getting an average of nearly 4-5 a week.
thanks guys for helping me blow this off... i mean really... who could be mad after the senseless ramblings this thread has generated!
You might have the most popular thread (all-time) on the new board. :)

thanks guys for helping me blow this off... i mean really... who could be mad after the senseless ramblings this thread has generated!
Kinda makes me want to punch something ;o) AAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I said corporate "stooges" by the way not "weenies". Plus, I never said I disliked them...they've paid lots of bills by riding in my boat. I said "I" wouldn't make a good one.

BUT, if they let me blow stuff up AND get paid. Well then I'd be Larry, MO and Curly for em! Why, I'd blow extra stuff up on the weekends when I was supposed to be at home with the family.
Isn't that a compliment? hehehe
"senseless ramblings"
I think we just got the title for the DHBP forum book that was talked about a long time ago. :-)

for the mis-quote and are granted one free "kick, punch, or whatever" should we find ourselves in each others company again.

Tim I'm pretty sure that was a jab but it would make a good book title....

Oh just relax Jeff...the freakin' junk mail isn't coming until tomorrow anyway! You're gettin' all worked up again ;)

Actually, it's funny you'd mention "senseless ramblings". I was just at Wal-Mart to buy some shells on sale and they not only marked them up BUT raised them to '07 retail prices. I took a box to the stooge weenie at the counter and asked why? He replied,"I don't know man...it don't make no sense do it?" And with that I nodded and agreed,"Yep, it's senseless".

Is it possible to use "ramblings" to describe the people at Walmarts as they ramble along. I'm thinking they oughta be described as "Senseless Ramblings". I used to call them "cave people" but I like the new name better.

And it is a good name for a DHBP book.
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[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"Tim I'm pretty sure that was a jab but it would make a good book title.... "

jeez man.. you won't even let me be sincere!
Messing with salespeople is a past time for me. I just love messing with them. One time, I had a job where we were given Nextels. I actually got a solicitation on the walkie talkie part of the Nextel phone. Some salesman thought I was a Dr, and was trying to sell me group health insurance for the entire practice. My boss and I pretended that we were doctors in a middle of brain surgery and went on with a pretty funny skit for about 20 minutes. The saleman never caught on that we were messing with him. We ended that the saleman had to give us free hats to earn his business. His sales manager realized we were messing with him when we told him we didnt have a credit card number but wanted to leave a deposit on our Shop Rite bonus club card. That sales manager was pissed and gave us a big lecture on not messing with some poor salesman who was trying to make a living. We couldnt stop laughing. Little did he know that I was a car salesman and my boss was the general manager of the dealership:-) PS: I only mess with solicitors, I see them as open game.

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"Tim I'm pretty sure that was a jab but it would make a good book title.... "

jeez man.. you won't even let me be sincere!

I tried to warn you all....WE NEED SMILEY FACES HERE! ac0161.gif It's hard to tell when someone is really being sincere without the contrast. hahahaha
