I was an avid (100-150 days a year) fly rodder for a long time. Still do it but not as much as I use to. Early in my fly fishing ran into a guy that tied his own flies, I didn't know flies were tied by hand or anything, I just bought them at the store, no clue where they came from or how they were made. That started an addiction. Then one day I was on the internet and heard about people building their own rods, had to try it.
I reluctantly began duck hunting off of the advice of an acquaintance and of course it stuck hard. All I knew existed was decoys bought at Bass Pro or Cabela's made from plastic. And I thought, hey, I bet I could make a decoy somehow. I made flies and rods, right?
It took a few years of duck hunting before I finally got the strong urge to follow through. It took a year and my first 8 decoys before I learned there was such a thing as a "pattern." I had been carving either with a plastic decoy in my hand or from memory.
I've only been at it about 4 years now and DANG glad I found all these great resources on the internet.