whos going out for CT youth day saturday?

Chris Finch

Well-known member
im going to bring my cousin out for the morning and im going to a little scouting today. The ducks really aren't where they normally are this time of year and i have seen very few ducks, so we are going to try a new spot.

i cant wait to get out there hopefully we can get some birds to work and have a great morning. either way the season is upon us and i cant wait.
im going to bring my cousin out for the morning and im going to a little scouting today. The ducks really aren't where they normally are this time of year and i have seen very few ducks, so we are going to try a new spot.

i cant wait to get out there hopefully we can get some birds to work and have a great morning. either way the season is upon us and i cant wait.

Good luck, Chris. I'm sure your cousin is pumped by now and I already know that you are when you mentioned about going to a new spot. Bring camera!
I've been pumped for a while now... Chris always says the ordeal never stops - it just goes into planning mode.

Its so true...
I'll be out there, with a 13 year old I took last year and his 12 year old brother who is looking for duck #1...

I'm not sure if the boys are more excited or I am....
Im looking more foward to his than the regular opener. It will be nice not having to get ou by two to get a spot
Does anyone else have problems with the quote function?

anyway, I agree chris. I don't think I will even bother with the real opener, not worth the arguments at 4am, thats not what makes hunting fun and I don't care to be involved in that aspect of it anymore. In case you didn't notice ALL of our openers are on Saturdays this season....
Make sure you let a shot or two go into the decoys, so that Chris's decoys get some character. I hope you guys have a great hunt. Bill you have to hunt the opener, it's all part of the experience of hunting CT.. I will be checking out the swamps this week and try to find a spot that someone is not going to cut me off or screw things up.
We did very well...Luke got his first 4 ducks ever, including a very nice drake woody. Jack managed a bird or two but his shooting lacked a bit, we have all been there. they had steady shooting from legal until 915 or so when things slowed down.


The only damper to the morning was when we returned the trucks to find a very nasty letter from an anti. I called encon to alert them but not much they can do.
Congratulations young men! I'm glad you were so successful. Nice looking drake woodie by the way.

Too bad about the note from the "anti". It is too bad they didn't have the intestinal fortitude to be there and discuss their viewpoints. I am assuming such people must all be vegetarians.
thanks Al. The note was so vile I can't even post it here. I would go into discussion about it but I'd rather this post remain about the kids and not the....vegetarians haha.
Well its good to see someone got something!! We had birds landing on the other side of the little "cove" we were hunting about 85 yards away from us... birds wouldn't respond to us, they didn't see us (chris and I in the boat) so it seemed we were on the wrong side for the whole morning (but last year they were where we were so it is very strange...) But it was great to be out and see the birds flying around.