Hawk Mountain Sanctuary on Kittatinny Ridge in Pennsylania likely had more of a impact in changes not only public opinion but laws as well regarding the shooting of Hawks and Owls and Eagles....
In 1938 a portion of what was once a well known migration corridor for Raptors was incorporated as the HAWK MTN SANCTUARY....Establish in an effort to curtail the slaughter of migrating hawks along the ridge.....
The Ridge was a slaughter house peopled by "sportsman", (I make no judgement here since at the time shooting hawks was considered "correct" by Game Dept's), who went there to not only enjoy shooting hawks but to also collect the 5.00 per bird Bounty that the Pennsylvania Game Commission offered for every Goshawk shot during migration.....I'd guess that amongst todays hunters there are 1 in a 100 that have ever seen a Goshawk and that the gulf between seeing one and knowing what it was is a factor of X's 100 so you can imagine that sitting on a ridge with a shotgun in your hand and knowing that a single Goshawk would pay for your gas and your shells and your chew and your "who hit john" that "every hawk was a Goshawk" till it was either "in hand" or the claim was denied by the Bounty Agent....
Migration counts along this ridge is consistent for at least two months and perfect weather conditions can produce thousands of hawk sightings in a day...in 1932 local birder photographed hundreds of dead hawks and those photos were published in BIRD LORE the predecessor of Audubon....publicity from the photos resulted in the Hawk Mtn Sanctuary in 1938. Game Commission Bounties continued till 1951 and hunting continued on Kittatinny Ridge outside the Sanctuary, though in dwindling numbers, past even the date of the Bounty cancellation....
The Refuge brought the Hawk Slaughter to the publics attention and the general consensus was that it was not only "wrong" but "bad"....Game Commission Predator Control doctrine began to change, (for historical reference see the enormous failure of the Arizona Game Dept. to increase Deer numbers on the Kaibab Plateau by removing all apex predator as this is in the same ... If has sharp teeth, claws or talons KILL IT....mind set period), Public pressure mounted, Raptors numbers had been reduced and persistent pesticides entered the arena.....
I can't imagine anyone not knowing about that problem so I'll leave it with public opinion had changed and raptor numbers were low, and getting lower as a result of pesticides....entire populations of raptors were either gone or nearly so and species stood on the brink of extinction......the inclusion of Raptors in the Migratory Bird Treaty grew out of that gave the States, many who had introduced their own laws to prevent it, the teeth it needed....
Sadly I see dead Hawks and Owls every year, all year, that I know, or suspect, were shot.....everyone that makes the news is a slap in the face of responsible hunters not just because its against the law but because everyone was shot by a HUNTER, (as far as any reporting goes)......
Lots of arguments on any Upland site you visit about the need to kill every Hawk and Owl that flies....another topic of discussion for sure...