WI-MN-IA Boatbuilders Gathering

Good suggestion.
The ferry that runs between Muskegon and Milwaukee is a highspeed ferry. It would save a little bit of time, although I know nothing about rates and timing. I'll have to check on that however, as it might be a possibility.

The USS Badger running between Ludington and Manitawoc takes about 4 hours (We've made that trip once) so no real time savings there.

Brian F.

Have van will travel. Goose Island is a nice camp ground. Hopefully the weather will be a little better than that monsoon we had last year! Hope we get to see that barge of yours.

Ed L.
Rick, can non boat builders attend? I have only constructed a number boats off of existing hulls; never made one from the ground up. I do have an old Poygan Layout that I restored and use and could bring over.

Other than that the only "boats" I have made are in the size and shape of a duck.
Okay, okay. I guess anyone can come. You just have to LIKE duckboats.

How's that?

We let Ed come last year, but he brought the Shaggin Wagon. That's an automatic exemption for life.

Do the motors have to stay on the boat or can we even use a motor on a poleboat. Might have to get a ruling on that one hahahahah
As of now there is nothing on the calendar for that date. I plan on attending and will bring the "R.M. Wolfe"... if that is OK...

I'm no carpenter either but they let me attend...:-)... Hope to see you there.

Ed L.
WOW...I'm grandfathered in...cool! hehe....Maybe I can find a decoy to mount on the hood of the shagin wagon!

Ed L.
The date is down on my calander.
This year if time and weather permit it would be fun to get the boats on the water!!

Joe Lane
Hey hey, nothing scheduled for that weekend. Count me in (unles the wifey somehow changes things). I have some hunting land I'm looking into near Alma WI and this will provide added incentive to get down there and look at it.

Any suggestions on places to stay? That vehicle of Ed's looks real nice but I'm sure the list is long to hook up with him.

Want me to bring anything? Didn't make any of my boats but have done quite a bit of work on all of them to make them "huntable"

I'm looking forward to this.

Mark W
I'll come if I don't have to wear a tie. :^) I'm going to have to get next years dates so I can get things scheduled for NO interuptions. Got a family rebellion the whole week before. As for bein there, I might be bringing some extras, I might be tryin to get away from em, but I'll be there. If I can help ya with anything Rick, give me a call.

Hey George! I was planning to bring a scissors in case anybody wears a tie this year.

I'll let you know if I need help with anything, but I right now I don't know if there is anything to prepare for. The pig roast organizers bring the pigs; we just have to bring our boats. The guys without boats can bring some beer :)
