Wilderness Systems Commander 140

Larry J

Active member
Anybody own one or have a chance to paddle one. I like what I see on the interweb, but not one dealer within 60 miles of me has one in stock. Apparently they only order on request. I'd prefer to see what I'm getting. Thanks.
Larry, I had a Wilderness Systems Chesapeake many years ago. It was well built, light, and far cheaper that a poke boat at the time. I wish I never traded it away. Every once in a while I search on-line for a used one. Mine was a glass boat. Better finished that the poke boats then (1990s).
No But I have the Pimilco and I like it. I don't like sit on top boats
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The Commander isn't a sit-on-top. It's considered a hybrid between a kayak and canoe. There are no drain scuppers on the commander like you'd find on a sit-on. It also has a tunnel-type hull, unlike the v-hull of your pamlico.

How stable is the pamlico. what type of waters do you paddle in. How well built is it.
I've spent a good bit of time in one and also in the Native Watercraft Ultimate. The Commander is a nice boat but not as stable as the Ultimate. Now the new Ultimate FX series are even more stable, faster than their older model, and have a new high-low movable position seat that is much more comfortable than the Commander's seat. They also made the area where you would stand flatter and wider to make standing more comfortable. The sides are also a couple of inches taller than the older model. They tried to really fix all the issues that paddlers had with the older may have had...and those were few and far between. I liked test-riding the new FX 15 so much I ordered one in camo on Wednesday. Both companies offer a lifetime hull warranty for material and construction defects, but only Native offers this same warranty on all parts of the boat...WS's warranty only covers the plastic hull (everything on the hull is only covered for one year).
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I had the commander 120. It was the most stable kayak I've own. The one thing I did not like was the concave hull, which gives it the stability placed your feet at an awkward angle that for me was uncomfortable. I would check out the Native or the new Jackson line of sport yaks.
Thanks for the reply Keith and Ed. I had a Native 16 for a short while, so I'm familiar with them to some extent. The 16' was just way too long for one person. The WS Commander and Native Ultimate are very similar kayaks and at the top of my list. I just wanted to get as much info as I could regarding the WS. Thanks.
I have the 12 foot model and it is my go to kayak to fish the inshore marshes. Plenty of room and very stable. Only time I don't fish out of it is when it is very rough out or I am fishing out on the ocean, then I use my Native Manta Ray.
I've hunted out of one for one season now and like it.super stable ,tracks strait as an arrow,light and manageable. If you hunt with a dog go with the 140. I can fit me,the dog,power hunter layout blind, a dog blind,6 goose and 12 decoys.you can also take the seat out for even more room.looked at both the native and w.s.....the native seat is better and I liked the floor.i went with the commander because of the higher freeboard. Can't go wrong with either boat. If I didn't hunt with a dog I might have gotten the 120.
I like the boat, it hides well and you can use it as a hide along shore. It is not a boat you can stand in but it is fast and holds myself and a dog. After 10 years I guess it's built well enough. I paddle it on flat water.