Winchester Supreme

Paul Meisenheimer

Well-known member
I have seen lots of folks post that they shoot Xpert or other inexpensive shells. Has anyone had experience with the Winchester Supreme waterfowl loads?
My buddy shoots them, 3 & 3.5"s he likes them, but doesn't seem to kill any more than the shells I shoot. I sure hope there better then xperts. Ever cut the top off a expert and look at the shot or pattern'em? I run federal speed shock 3" 3's thru my Silver with very good patterns, round uniform pellets and burns clean. They are less money than Experts. Federal ultras were on sale at Rodgers but the only difference is buffer and plated shot in the pay load (which is what I'd compare to Supremes). So with that being said, if there supremes are just buffer'd and plated I would have compare price,shot quality,pattern,etc. My patterns are good so I can't justify the the extra $ for buffer'd/plated shot. If I shot under a case ayear maybe I would by the latest greatest kryptonite/depleated urainuim/heavy whatever;)


When I first got my SBE I went through a lot of shells and even tried reloading steel - UNTIL I tried Winchester Supremes. MY gun patterns the best with Supremes. When I shoot my SBE, 3" #3's Supremes will be in the chamber. Pattern your gun and any chokes you have and see which shells your gun likes the best. My choke of choice in all but very close decoy work is a Briley Extended IM. If it wasn't that I have gone over to a 20 ga. SxS for everything, I'd still be shooting Supremes as I have 4 cases down stairs.

Generally speaking I believe that you get what you pay for with shells. Not that some aren't overpriced because they are but when you get cheap shells you get inconsistent results in my experience. I've tried Experts and definately noticed the difference.

For my 20 ga. SxS, Kent Fasteel seem to be the best match.
I had much better luck with 1 1/8 oz #3 Xperts than 1 1/4 oz #3 Supremes. With the Xperts I had fewer cripples and better pellet penetration (as witnessed when cleaning birds). I used one case of each before switching to other ammo. I also used one box of Supreme in #2 and didn't like it.

For "premium" steel, I like the Federal Ultrashok HHV in 1 1/4 oz #2.

This year, I was very impressed with #2 Hevi-Metal. I will be the first to admit, however, that Hevi, unlike Federal, does not use premium components. And, the Hevi-Metal does not have moisture seals.

Check out Rogers Sporting Goods for good deals on Federal and Hevi ammo.
I agree on the X-Pert shells. A long time ago I used to shoot Federals. Then I owned a gun that did not like them and I moved on. I am told the Supreme shells are clean and have very uniform pellets. I have been shooting Challenger (made in Quebec) for the last few years but a friend got a bad batch last year that tells me the quality control is going south.

I shot about a case and a half last year so the cost isn't really that big a deal. An extra 50 bucks for ammunition pales in comparison to some of the costs of this sport. LOL
Paul, given a choice, I would never used the Experts.. .the stuff is junk.... almost as bad as Remington Sportman... I used to shoot Supremes.... I loved the pattern and the effect. But they didn't better than the Kents.....
Second that on Rogers Outdoors. I bought a case of Federal 3" 1 1/4 oz #3s from them last year, $99 delivered.
This load, in Federal, Estate and Rio, performs great out of my gun. Patterns are very well with a mod choke. When I hit the birds, it hits them hard.
Paul, given a choice, I would never used the Experts.. .the stuff is junk.... almost as bad as Remington Sportman... I used to shoot Supremes.... I loved the pattern and the effect. But they didn't better than the Kents.....

Phil, my only issue with Kent is that my one gun does not eject them properly. It is an occasional issue that always seems to show up at the worst moment.
What are you shooting Paul (for a gun)? This year I decided to give the infamous Black CLoud a try.... It patterned well out of my SBE... and was brutal on birds... Price point was inbetween Kent and Supremes.

Glad you brought that up. I was shooting Federals out of my 20ga SxS when someone mentioned how dirty Federals were compared to other brands. I had some 20 ga. Kent along so I put a Federal on one barrel and a Kent in the other (both barrels were clean). After shooting both barrels it was obvious how dirty the Federals were, really no comparison.

I haven't done the same thing with Supremes because I don't have a 12 ga. SxS. I have never noticed that my gun is particularly dirty after shooting them though.
My most frequent choice of gun is a Beretta Urika 2. (AL 391) Aside from patterns it works well with most shells. I have found it patterns better with lighter loads in most brands.

I used to shoot a Nova and it had two issues that drove me crazy. It would sometimes short stroke with Kent shells. It was also a problem in the serious cold with all shells. The spent hull would not clear the receiver and would jam things up as you were stroking forward. I just stopped buying Kent. The problem improved by going to a very light oil in subzero temps and avoiding Kent. Kent's also periodically jam in my Baikal OU. No other shell does it and I have put thousands of rounds through that gun.

I reload Federal shells for Skeet and Trap but I haven't bought a box for long while. I think I have a lifetime supply of hulls. I also shoot them through two Brownings so it is a whole different kettle of fish.

I like to shoot birds that are up close and commited. My choice of choke is IC most of the time and when I shot Black Cloud I found they didn't pattern well at 25 yds. It looked a lot like a slug hit the bird.
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If I had to pick one steel shell to shoot for everything it'd be the 3" 1 1/4oz 2's. Just a great shell. The BB's are fantastic goose loads as well though I probably shoot just as many geese with the deuces. Black Beauties we call um.
I agree with Jay. If I had to pick one STEEL load it would be the supreme #2's.

If I got to pick a back up it would be kent fast steel #2's.

I shoot the supreme elite extended ranges at turkey, don't know if those are the ones you are talking about. best patterning shell out of my shotgun by far. NonToxic and Bass Pro always puts them on sale down here too after turkey season, can by a $35 dollar box of shells for 10 bucks and have some for duck season.
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The elite shells are non-toxic high density shot. The regular supremes are steel. They are not the same thing but I do appreciate the feedback on the elite shells. I was wondering about them even though I am unlikely to ever shoot them.