Winter arrived early on the Gulf Coast


Staff member
Winter arrived early. Highs in the 40s and lows below freezing predicted for the rest of the week. Very unusual for us this early in November. Had to turn the heat on this morning, earliest I can remember since 2004 at least. Season opens in 8 days and if this weather keeps up it should be a good one.
If it?s this cold down here can?t imagine what it?s up north. Who?s already frozen out for the year?
Won't be that cold here in Tallahassee for that long. Only two days predicted in the 30s with highs in the 50s.

Co-worker asked if this was me


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We had 34 this morning, a high of mid-40s today. Forecast low of 30 tomorrow.
Crazy weather for us, its more like the week before Christmas vs. the week before Thanksgiving.
Did see quite a few more ducks on the bay this morning, I bet even more arrive tonight.
Opening day is one week away, we'll see how it goes.
Whole east coast, I think. We had 12 degrees yesterday with a high under 20. 6-10" of snow predicted tomorrow. LOTS of birds moving from inland to the coast.
We had snow here in West TN yesterday. Close to an inch. Temps have been hovering around freezing all week. High Saturday is up in the 60s!
Back "home" in the Poconos, my sister who lives across from Camel Back Ski Mountain, has over 10" of snow on the ground. She was heading out snow-shoeing this morning.
I saw skim ice on some farm ponds yesterday in TN. Today I saw my first cranes of the year- they were flying south in droves all day long, and heard mallards, gadwalls, and wood ducks from the tree stand this evening.