Winter is coming--be careful out there.

Jeff Reardon

Well-known member
Sad story from Maine over the weekend.

A canoe with three passengers overturned on tidewater, and one of the three has not yet been found. The Coast Guard suspended the search today, and Maine Marine Patrol has taken over what they are calling a "recovery" operation.

Two of the passengers were able to reach shore. The third is still missing. None were wearing life jackets.

I am less careful than I ought to be around the water. I spent many years as a competitive swimmer and water polo player, and I really don't worry about my safety on the water from May into October. But cold water is a different story, especially cold water with current and tides. (The area where this accident occured has the highest tides in the Continental US--up to 25 feet.)

Every year around this time I'll see an overloaded canoe or small boat at the launch in the dark, and the passengers with no lifejackets. Last year was the jackpot--4 adults and a dog in a 16 foot canoe--one of the passengers sitting on top of the pile of decoy bags. They were breaking ice to get out from shore when I came down with my canoe.

Don't be that guy (or girl).
Very sad. And tragic for their loved ones. You have to wonder what were they thinking?
Carl, it was a warm sunny day--temps in the mid 50's, no wind. Probably felt like a nice fall day. But 50 degree air and water temp in the 60's is a lot different than 50 degree air and water temps in the 40's.
NYS law says all boaters under 21ft shall wear a life preserver after Nov 1. Great idea... Years ago I would have complained why all the regs. As I see all the people losing their lives because of stupidity, I've changed my mind. Working for Tow Boat, we would not tow without them wearing a preserver.
Why take the chance??? The life you save may be your own or a friend........
NYS law says all boaters under 21ft shall wear a life preserver after Nov 1. Great idea... Years ago I would have complained why all the regs. As I see all the people losing their lives because of stupidity, I've changed my mind. Working for Tow Boat, we would not tow without them wearing a preserver.
Why take the chance??? The life you save may be your own or a friend........

Good law. That's pretty much my practice. When air temps drop below 50 and/or water temps below 60, the lifejacket goes on. And always in whitewater, or in small boats when there is surf.
I have flipped a canoe over in cold water and if I had not been wearing a life vest I would have been done for. Within seconds I could barely move, think, react. I was able to hold onto the overturned hull (barely, because it iced up right away) and kick my way to shallow water. Lost a shotgun. It took several hours of warming up before I stopped shivering.
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Jeff, I always wear a pfd or float coat while under way. I went in 3 times during the 2013 season ,twice in November and once in December. The pfd kept me dry and it was more of an annoyance except for the loaded 12 gauge in the bottom of the marsh.

The pfd law is one that certainly agree with.

NYS law says all boaters under 21ft shall wear a life preserver after Nov 1. Great idea... Years ago I would have complained why all the regs. As I see all the people losing their lives because of stupidity, I've changed my mind. Working for Tow Boat, we would not tow without them wearing a preserver.
Why take the chance??? The life you save may be your own or a friend........

Good law. That's pretty much my practice. When air temps drop below 50 and/or water temps below 60, the lifejacket goes on. And always in whitewater, or in small boats when there is surf.