Wisconsin Cougar? Pelican Lake. Myth?

Well guess what guys ? We have cougers in Delaware too .A few years back one was sighted in alapokus woods .,and just this past spring one was sighted near fox Chase shopping mall. Its paw prints was also verified by a reputable trapper. The distance between sightings is about 15 miles or so,somthing else huh! Cas inthe 1'st state del.
i am from minnesota and we deer hunt in swift falls, we have 4 trail cam pics if a cougar over the last six years and have seen lots of traks, needless to say i go up in my box stand gun first and check for soft spots.
Yeah post them if you can. I've heard of a couple sightings near Windom MN and I believe one was confirmed with good tracks. I'm still more afraid of running into a mean dog but I got to say I did look around a little more with the flashlight on the way to my stand when deer hunting there.
About 120 miles to the west of me there was a lion killed by a bow hunter. The cat was scared away once but came back and was trying to climb up the tree. Hunter was justified according to the state. When they looked at the cat it was clear it was injured by a car, fall or run in with too tough of prey.

Well I knew it was baloney because the Antigo Journel would have been all over it. However we do have an occasional cat come through. They do have a site that list documented sightings but Wis only has one. It takes some one who is certifyed to document it and the Wis DNR doesn't have any one. They had to get someone from Minn. to document it. The one that is had DNA from the Black Hill in So DA. I was surprised to find out how large of a range each Cat has, two to three hundred miles.

Two neighbors who were out logging two years ago sighted one with a kit in it's mouth less than 1/2 mile from the house. I have never seen one or their tracks but Peter rabbit is missing, So there Steve. Got to be some kind of proof. ( : )
Todd & Pete,

I saw/heard the story that Pete talks about as well. Add to that the little kitty that was shot dead in Mequon about 3 years ago. Big news, but the officials all said it was a pet that escaped, yet no one claimed to have lost a 140# kitty.

Also there was the one that was photographed up near Rhinelander next to the road sign but of course everyone claimed photoshop until the huge tracks in the mud by the river where found....

Oh well, DNR still says no kitties in WI.
"Escaped" lions happen more then you would think. And no, nobody is going to claim it. A few years ago Iowa had several shot that were "escaped". How can they tell? DNA was consistent with central american cats, where most in captivity come from, and some had their claws removed. Most states have pretty tough laws on having big cats but they are not easy to enforce. Once the cats get too big it is easier to let them "escape" then to feed them or find them a better home.
I would not doubt most of the sightings in the east could be coming from meth makers letting their tough looking pets go free.
A decade or so ago it was easy to buy a mountain lion or bear. Now it is much tougher but there are still people who have them outside of those properly documented.
Heck a black jaguar was recently found in MO or MS, I can't remember right now. I'm quite sure that didn't migrate to there.

We've had a few "sightings" over the years down here in Louisiana. Folks would swear to what they had seen and were quickly dismissed by communities and the authorities, including the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

This year two separate cougars were captured on trail cams by deer hunters (roughly 100 miles apart). Each were verified by LDWF and made headlines around the state.

Maybe those old folks weren't crazy after all.