Wood duck Project

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
After working are tails off to get the wood duck boxes ready. We already got about twenty out with eight to go. Not sure if I'll get the rest out before breading starts.But ! we will see! This virus has put most of the world on hold. Today I was just glad I got out side with my grandchildren . Took them out on the utv. Check a few of last years boxes. It was a blast to enjoy the sun and see their smiles. Times are hard for most of the world right now. Spending time with what's really important. Is what will heal us after this is over. As much as I love putting wood duck boxes out. And seeing a new year of wood ducks coming out of the nest. I 'm following the rules and hope the rules are making a difference. I hope all you are too. Just for the record ! we have put out over two hundred boxes in the last four years. And I'm here to tell you it helps the wood duck population big time. We have seen a great deal more wood ducks in the last few years. I hope your all safe and your family is doing well. I ask God every night to help those who are sick. And I pray for those who past away. God help us all during this hard time we all face.View attachment getPart-21.jpg

Inspired by your efforts, I finally got around this afternoon of driving a 1-inch galvanized iron pipe into the bottom of my Hemlock Swamp. It took some doing to find a spot safe from aerial launches by Grey Squirrels.

I missed the opportunity to install the pipe the easy way - through the ice. So, I cut my pipe to 9-feet - so I could still reach my post pounder to drive it into the mud about 30 inches. The box goes up in a day or so. Canadas, Mallards and Woodies have been sharing the Swamp with Spring Peepers and Wood Frogs.

My partner and I have 4 boxes to get up soon.

All the best,



Looks like you've got wood duck box production down to a science. They look good. I hope you get to see evidence of nesting in them.


Great job my friend!! Thank you for the kind words. Four boxes that great. You and your crew are doing a great deed for the wood duck. Over the years I have heard nothing but great things from our members. I'm really glad my post help people get out there and do something for the wood duck. Just as I have learn tons of stuff from others like yourself about other things. I have been putting wood duck boxes up with my club since the early eighties. We have put them in trees on poles,on post. Build rafts with boxes mounted on them. Mounted four or five boxes on post to see what would happen. Failed many times , but if we didn't try we never would of learned how to be successful . I know you hear all the time to mount them on poles with guards. But I really think that matters where you live and what kind of predators you have to deal with. We have had really good luck mounting them in the trees. Last year boxes checked we had almost half. Other years not as good but in order to do as many as we do. Its the easy way on the Hudson River. Messing with the tide and the ice like we have to do. Takes most of are mounted post out every year. I have seen wood duck use nest that were never cleaned out. So I guess everything is possible. Thanks again my friend. May you and your family and friends stay safe.

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Thank you for your post. It inspired me to rehab a few of my damaged boxes. They were beat up pretty bad from trees and limbs falling on them. I was able to put out three boxes this spring on poles in our creek. One box already has an occupant. Here in northern Indiana it is still early for them. I'm not a Wood Duck making machine like you but trying to do my part.


Hope all of you are safe and healthy. Thanks my friend. I have been doing what I can . I have to be truthful I couldn't do this with out the help of my strong young friends and family. I am more the brains now days, they are the workers. Like I once was. I drive the boat and tell them where to place the boxes. I get all the boxes or set up a work party. I'm sure I'll see some of the little guys come out of the boxes. You get a crew together when its okay to be together again. Start your own little wood duck task force. Have a BQ and a building party maybe have a few cold ones if that's your thing. Get kids to help make them and put them out. Put a trail camera near the boxes. Then see what really happens in your boxes. With in the first day those chicks are on the water. There is nothing like it. These are pictures of our last work party I'm not in any picture I took them. We had man in their late eighties and kids under ten build the boxes.
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Great job my friend!!! I'm not a making machine I have the help of others and I'm a good talker. I get people to make some for me. I get some from the state, I have work parties and I don't stop talking until I get what I want. I'm proud of each and everyone of you. Thank You for making America Great Again with the way God wanted it. If we all put back something.The world would be a better place. Next year build another one or two boxes. Please be safe and keep up the good work. God Bless
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Saw the first pairs of Wood Ducks, the last couple weeks while trout lookin', and fly fishing.

They are already "gettin' busy".

Thought of you - The NY Wood Duck Guy.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Best regards
Good morning, Anthony~

While we are mere Pikers compared with your Herculean effort, we did develop a mounting system that works for us.

I had some discarded 1-inch galvanized pipe - and found it very easy to install with a post pounder. We made sure to locate each away from trees or brush - out of Grey Squirrel Leaping/Dropping Distance.

We used the plastic "predator guards" Tractor Supply sells for bird feeders and smaller nest boxes. But, the collar they provide does not fit 1-inch pipe.

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So, I split a 1-inch PVC coupling on the bandsaw - then forced it down the pipe to my desired height above the water surface. It is VERY snug and requires no other fastening.

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The boxes are held to the pipes via 2 U-bolts through the backboard.

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A bunch of Cedar shavings provides a soft bed in each box. Not sure of occupancy rates yet - but I think each box is safe from Squirrels, Raccoons and Water Snakes.

All the best,



Hope all is well, Yes I haven't really seen that many yet. But its time. I still have nine more boxes to get out. But My buddies are still on lock down. But we got eighteen out so far. Have well over a hundred out. Next year I'm going to have a major clean out of the boxes. But I will say I have had ducks many times nest in old boxes. Always great hearing form you pal. Stay safe and be strong. God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As always its great hearing from you. I always look for your post and for your plans to do something. We have over a hundred or so boxes out there now. And with all the people on here that have built them this year. The sky should be full in the Fall with wood ducks. We put most of our boxes in trees still. And have good success. I have lost birds to many different things. And have found the once they hit the water. Their food once again to lots of animals and fish. Pipe is a good way of doing it when your only putting up a few a year. On the river and in the bays its tuff. Tide and ice has destroyed many of our boxes on pole.Might be the best way. But we try to put as many as we can out .In spots where we know they will draw ducks. I love the way you guys are doing it. Great job my friend. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep me posted and let me know the out come. God Bless and stay safe. A few years back we did almost the same type poles and nest. They work great. Do you mind telling me how much those guards were? They look great. Is everything you do look like a piece of art work.
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Old buddy! I am putting out the last nine boxes this week. Or what is ever left at the up at the camp. I already looking into for next years those guards you showed me . Thank You!!!!!!!! Now go turkey hunting! lol
I placed this bx March 16th in general area where I have 5 other bxs. One in that area that always gets nested in earliest I checked same day and it had eggs in it. Out doing a little fishing thurs. and stopped by new bx to see if occupied . Bumped post hard with boat on arrival and out flushed a hen woody. I,ll check bx again in a few weeks to see how many she hatched out.View attachment wood duck bx 2020.jpg

I am not a wood duck making machine. I get others to do that for me. I am a great talker I guess. I just get the people off their butts to help and put back to what we love. I put together work parties and go out and get what ever I can. Building them is a great thing. And one is better then none , two is better then one. So you get the idea. I have put many together. Or part of them. So everyone counts. I have been a part of over a thousand boxes over the years. Many people said I would never do it. But I'm here to tell you. If there is a well there is a way to get it done. I have mounted many on trees and poles. And had many people ask me why. Simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love ducks and duck hunting. See is all that counts. Knowing you helped wood ducks make it should be enough. Be proud, be happy, get others to make one or two a year. Then the wood duck will live forever. If it was as easy to help the other ducks like we do the wood duck. Then the duck population would be crazy. Great job my friend. Keep up the good work and stay safe. This week I will be putting out nine new boxes.
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