Wow!!!! notox turkey loads....

I am shooting a factory full choke out of the 20. The federals have a special wad that holds the pattern tighter and shoot better out of factory and some non ported after market chokes. At 40 yards I am getting average of 95-110 pellets in a 12" circle

110 pellets seems really good, looks like factory full is also what I've been reading since I posted.

I always pattern on a turkey head target and count hits in spine or head, so I can't really compare the 110 to what I've seen, but I don't think I've seen a pattern that dense if I had to guess.
Here's a box of 5 for $30 with a $5 rebate. Aldo they have a free shipping coupon evey couple weeks if you look for it........

Geeze, that works. Are you going to line everything up for me? Call the turkies and clean them too :).

Haha, if you ever get to jersey I'll be happy to call some in for ya!

What about cleaning? I want the carcass for soup and the legs and thighs - so no breasting.
Yes.....I draw a crappy turkey head in the middle of my circle and aim for that...usually end up with at least 36- 40 in the head neck itself. That pattern is Ok by turkey standards. Guys that are really tweaking the load are getting. 170 plus in a 10" circle.....

Turkey breast tacos are on the menu...I got the recipe from another DHBP member and I don't know if I will ever get tired of it. Simple easy and delicious!
I take my turkeys darn seriously, and I shoot hevi 13 when I can get it.

I don't shoot past 40 yards, but it is funny how often 40 yards turns out to really be 50 when you stand up to go get the bird.

I shoot the good stuff to cover the occasional poor judgement in distance.
what I would do for another box of the supreme elite extended ranges 3 1/2 #6, I have maybe 3 left, been shooting them almost 10 years.

Tried some of the 5,6,7 hevi shot out of my 20ga a few years ago on a bird at 30 yards, very impressed.
what I would do for another box of the supreme elite extended ranges 3 1/2 #6, I have maybe 3 left, been shooting them almost 10 years.

Exactly my situation. I have a box of 3" though to go with the few 3 1/2 6s I have.
Not a fan of those mixed duplex loads myself...
Been killing em' pretty good with good ol' Federal Premium 12ga. 3" #6's lead shot out of a Remington 870 Magnum with factory Xtra full extended choke. I like to keep my shots fairly close around 30 yds.
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Tod - Didn't read all the responses but I was in the same boat as you last year and shelled out the money for some of the Hevi-shot Magnum Blends 3.5" last and they patterned great (1994 model MB 835 with 24" barrell and jellyhead). One stone cold kill at 32yds (no flopping) and hammered another at 40... then again I could have done that with the Winchester Supreme #6s I use to shoot but can't find them any more. With all that said, I got a $10/box rebate last year and they are offering the same again this year. I bought mine at Academy sports which have lowest price of anything around our area, also, no shipping... here's link to the rebate:
I've lost two gobblers Spring turkey hunting since 1968. Both at 40 or as mentioned, more yards, one with a 12ga 3inch, and the other with a 10ga. Both guns were patterned with their best load. One bird flew, the other rolled and ran after two hits each. To this day I can take you to the exact place I hit those birds. I searched two more days for each bird it bothered me that much. I stand by what I say 40+ yards is to far for consistent Kills. If you don't mind wounding and loosing a bird once and a while that's another story. For me twice was way to much.
I've lost two gobblers Spring turkey hunting since 1968. Both at 40 or as mentioned, more yards, one with a 12ga 3inch, and the other with a 10ga. Both guns were patterned with their best load. One bird flew, the other rolled and ran after two hits each. To this day I can take you to the exact place I hit those birds. I searched two more days for each bird it bothered me that much. I stand by what I say 40+ yards is to far for consistent Kills. If you don't mind wounding and loosing a bird once and a while that's another story. For me twice was way to much.

You didn't actually say that 40 was too far, you made a snide and vague remark about skybusting, so you don't have a statement to stand by.

Everyone needs to set their own limit. I don't shoot at turkies at ranges farther than what I know will kill them solidly and most I shoot at about half that. It is simply naïve to say that 40 yards is a set max range, just because your gear or you were not up to the task.

With todays loads 50 yards is possible with a sighting system on the gun beyond a simple bead, some pattern targets, a few different shells and a decent choke tube. 60 yards can be achieved with a little more attention to detail and effort and shot that will carry that far. I haven't had a gun that shoots over 60 well, but some claim more than that and I won't argue with that.
Out of normal Killing range with a Shot Gun fired at game in the air, on the ground, or water is still iffy and pretty much the definition of Sky Busting concerning waterfowl. If that is a snide remark then I apologize.

I do agree with your statement about modern technology, scopes on shotguns, loads, etc. If 50-60 yards is the new normal and accepted killing range for turkey hunting then I'm WAY behind the times.
Out of normal Killing range with a Shot Gun fired at game in the air, on the ground, or water is still iffy and pretty much the definition of Sky Busting concerning waterfowl. If that is a snide remark then I apologize.

I do agree with your statement about modern technology, scopes on shotguns, loads, etc. If 50-60 yards is the new normal and accepted killing range for turkey hunting then I'm WAY behind the times.

Skybusting includes lacking the skill to cleanly take game and/or an inability of the gear to take the game cleanly at the range you are shooting. If someone can make the shot and bring down the bird much of the time - it isn't skybusting it is proper gear and skill. As for turkies, skill isn't near as much of a factor as gear and it has improved dramatically with the introduction of Tungsten-based shot.
I used Federal Heavyweights in 20 ga #6's last year with standard full choke . Shot a big gobbler at 33 yards and he didn't know what hit him.I was very impressed with them.
I used Federal Heavyweights in 20 ga #6's last year with standard full choke . Shot a big gobbler at 33 yards and he didn't know what hit him.I was very impressed with them.

I have a box of 6's heviweight in the basement - I'm going to give it a try next time I'm at a pattern board.
Have used the 3.5 blended heavy shot I don't think I could find anything that patterns like they do Use mossberg turkey pump 24" barrel. Great pattern! Shot birds in Nebraska and Wisconsin at 40 yards. Both stone-cold dead.