WOW...Schmiedlin decoys have really caught the attention of collectors

Bill Abbate

Active member
For those of us that follow decoy auctions and trends in the decoy market...

A drake JIM SCHMIEDLIN wood duck, that he personally donated to the ALS Foundation just sold for $23,000. It was made by Jim in the last few years. For those out there that don't know, Jim is personally suffering from ALS.

In addition, a SCHMIEDLIN drake pintail just sold for $10,000. These prices don't even reflect the fees associated with a purchase; generally 15%.

Jim is an extremely talented decoy carver. I own several of his birds. More importantly, he's a great person and avid duck hunter; frequently donating different works of his art to organizations such as Delta Waterfowl to enhance the future of this sport: DUCK HUNTING....that we all love. Please say a prayer for Jim as his condition is rapidly declining.
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Bill, I'm a big fan and enthusiast of Jim's decoys, like so many others on this site. I started collecting Jim's birds back in the early 1990's. Jim would bring a few (6 -8) of his decoys from his rig to the Ohio decoy show every year and sell them from his room to cover his hunting expenses, they would sell quickly. I was lucky enough to meet Jim and buy a few of his decoys from him. Over the years the popularity and demand for his work has been just unbelievable, as reflected in the recent auction prices realized. In the decoy collecting community, Jim is known as the best contemporary decoy carver and rightfully so. My thoughts and prayers go out to Jim and his wife Debi.
He's a remarkable and extremely talented individual. We're very good friends. I hunted with him and his crew this same week last year up at Erie and Chautauqua. It was an experience of a lifetime. One I'll never forget. Jim is unable to hunt but, his gunning buddies have stayed in touch with me and we are planning on getting together again for some more hunts.
Bill - I thank God for Jimmy's generosity. He is a real gentleman and friend. He has made his mark on waterfowling and decoys and, should be an encouragement to us all...

Yesterday, I shot this Bill layout gunning. I dedicate it in honor and respect to Jimmy my mentor and friend...

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Jim has been in our thoughts and prayers ever since he got the news of his illness. In fact he had a decoy get together not long after he was told he had ALS. There were photo's of that get together posted on the DCF. Very few of us are smiling, the few smiles are by the closest and bravest of his friends. We had a very good time, but the pall cast over everyone does show. A few of us stayed behind afterwards, and that's when Jim really lit up, smiled, and laughed. He is a very good story teller, but a even better listener and that is the quality that shines in the man. I am honored to have him as a dear friend.

We first crossed paths back in the early 80's at the old Ohio Westlake show when Jim was entering contests. When Jim walked in and entered a Decoy all of us knew we didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. He was the best then, and as far as I'm concerned still is, and shall be for a very long time. Strength-wise he was like Superman, who hunted ducks, carved decoys, and rode a Harley full tilt with intelligence and passion. That's the man I shall always know and keep in my mind and heart.

At the decoy get together I brought a canvas/slat drake Black Duck I made for my rig. It had a deep keel on it that I disliked but was put on for contests. I couldn't get the damn thing off, the screws were so tight and the wood painted so it held fast like glue. I asked Jim if he could help me get it off without damaging the decoy. He took the decoy walked to his work bench, grabbed the proper screw driver and in no time off came the keel. He tossed the screws in the garbage can, handed me the decoy, smiled and said "How's that?"

"I didn't find my friends; the good God gave them to me." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
I remember several months back meeting you for the very first time Vince in Havre De Grace, MD outside the museum with Jim and our mutual friend and fellow decoy carver: Vic Sutek from Ohio. Everyone was all smiles that day. Not sure if you remember but I had my black lab there that day and we spoke for awhile outside the museum.
Bill I remember that day very well. I only wish I would have had more time to spend with you. Hanging out with Jim, his "Crew" and friends is always a very good time. Vic is a good man, and he told me months ago that he would get Jim out when the birds were here, no matter what. If it is possible I'm certain Jim's "Crew" will make it happen one way or the other. Even if he can't shoot like the dead eye he is, he can see and enjoy the lifestyle he loves so much. I sure hope so...
Vic left today for Chautauqua. If I didn't have this huge law exam coming up on December 6th, I would have been there also. I'm miserable now because everyone I know is hunting and I'm studying. Jim failed to make the trip due to his health; unfortunately. I'm glad that he invited me last season because I think his hunting days may be behind him at this point. It's so sad. I'm going to visit him in mid December.
I spoke to Jim yesterday and congratulated him on the wood duck. I told him my opinion is that its as good as the best Ward Bros. work.
I remember meeting you Bill at Harve De Grace also. What has always amazed me about Jim is with all his talent and notoriety he has always been kind and humble signing his notes and letters with " thanks for being my friend".
Please keep him and Debbie in your prayers.
Where you with Vince at the Museum when we were all talking outside ? Or did we meet at the Tidewater Grill in Havre De Grace ?
Bill - tomorrow is first day of deer gun season in the south zone of NY. Vic should get into some birds with not many hunters, but it will be Cold, might give him a call tomorrow. Most marshes around here today were covered in thin ice.
I checked a nearby lake today that was chock full of Canada geese last week, most are gone, a few mallards, blue bills, cans and lots of coot. Between deer hunting and checking for waterfowl the future looks good. Hope you get to do some huntin'.
Hopefully Jim will have some good days and be able to go with his Crew. I'm sure that they miss him not being there, and I know Jim sure does miss it. Prayers have wings so I keep on praying.
I remember that. I was on my way to Baltimore to visit my father-in-law. My black, English lab was running around outside while we were talking. All the best !!!