wtb scull boat

I have a fiberglass boat 18 foot made in N H by witham boats in the the 1960 s. It has been stored inside or outside upside down and is in good shape.It has a sculling hole which I plugged with a hockey puck. I had it registered in R I; it has a motor mount, It has 2 cockpits one in front of the other. I have had good luck using it as a layout boat for divers. I can send pics. It does not currently have a sculling oar.
Zack. Did you make contact with the Vermont scull boat? I have been a guest in this boat, very safe, seaworthy boat. The trailer is worth the price of the whole rig. Bob.
This will be a long shot, do you still have it? Would you be willing to part with it?
Zach, I have a Lock Stock and Barrel 16 ft Scull for sale in Indiana. Very similar to the newly produced TDB. I believe it was designed like the Merry Meeting Bay float.