Yamaha two stroke 25....bingo

chris whitney

Active member
i have been looking for a few months for a clean 20 or 25 yamaha. Ive looked at a few and had been leess than impressed. I found one in craigslist yesterday and call the guy and he says....

?Yeah, i bought the motor 12 years ago new <its a 2006> for a boat project that never panned out.? He continues with ?i actually forgot i had it in the boat shed until i was moving and found it?.

I ask him to fire it and he puts it in the stand and connects the fuel line...four pulls and it fires...purrs like a kitten.

Seems i found a NOS 2006 25hp yamaha for the new boat....the thing weighs six pounds lighter than a new 15hp suzuki and $900 less!

Mission accomplished
Nice find. Trying to find a 20" shaft 25 tiller w/electric start myself to go on a johnboat project. I would even settle for a 2 stroke.
Sweet deal! I have one and love it. I would have two but some low life stole it off the back of my boat. I wanted it back so much I mailed reward letters to every marina within a 100 mile radius. No luck. Congrats on finding essentially a new old stock motor.
I have 2, one on my DB 13 and one on my Jon boat. Awesome engines and I can't kill them. You made a great purchase
Great engines and nice find. And last I checked, you can get most of the factory Yamaha parts for it, to include complete new power head.
Great find I still have a YAM 25 long shaft w/electric start 2 stroke in the garage sold a Yamaha 15 last fall SS with electric start and a Yamaha 40 tiller LS with PT&T about a month ago Just awesome 2 stroke motors
Eric Patterson said:
Sweet deal! I have one and love it. I would have two but some low life stole it off the back of my boat. I wanted it back so much I mailed reward letters to every marina within a 100 mile radius. No luck. Congrats on finding essentially a new old stock motor.

I would still "peruse" his neighbor's, nearby relatives, and friends...someone knew that you were about to remove that boat from the property, either by direct observation or notification via family member.
RLLigman said:
Eric Patterson said:
Sweet deal! I have one and love it. I would have two but some low life stole it off the back of my boat. I wanted it back so much I mailed reward letters to every marina within a 100 mile radius. No luck. Congrats on finding essentially a new old stock motor.

I would still "peruse" his neighbor's, nearby relatives, and friends...someone knew that you were about to remove that boat from the property, either by direct observation or notification via family member.

I am still on the hunt...