Zack taylor Wigeon

I'll attempt to attach a couple pics here. In the first pic I am hauling ass...didn't have my gps but I figure it was 25mph+

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I'm glad I found that out,before I cut the mount shaft to allow a 15" height.I can't just adjust it because it hits the drain plug.
Geez Lee, In that first side view pic, looks like you could put remote steering on it and hang your feet over the front of the bow. As it is, your almost there anyway. What is that, a four foot tiller extension?
That was the one I made out of radiator hose and dowel rod. It was about 4' long. Now I have a REAL one but I couldn't get that far up in the boat with it cause of the angle of the tiller...if I extend it any further than I have it now, I'll be leaning out of the boat to hold it.
Wassup Serial Killer.....
I heard you bought my boat. I guess I did not move fast enough. Just kidding. That is a nice rig. Cajun told me you painted it up. Post a pic.
We are heading down to Louisiana this weekend for a cast and blast. We have gotten excellent reports of Teal and Reds all over the marsh.
I look forward to seeing you out there (gville) this year. Good Luck
thanks for the pics and info. You are encouraging me to do the same. What do you think about adding floatation to the stern compartment to help out the squatting.
Dear All,

I read this thread with great interest.

Ted, I would say that the advice given is indeed sage. I would add that though our MLB Zack Taylor Sneakbox Wigeon is no rabbit when under power, it truly comes into its own in heavy seas.

Having owned a wooden one since 1976, I can tell you that on more than one occasion I have been caught in heavy seas here on the south end of Lake Michigan. There was even a day a few Spring Coho runs back, where I was the ONLY boat out of nearby Portage, IN. Several boats far larger were sitting in the access point, not willing to go out into the Lake, when I passed them. Water temps at 42 degrees and an unusually strong south wind, I headed out for a day with the Salmon and Trout. The only other boat on the water that day was the US Coast Guard. They came over, checked me out, and left me to enjoy the fishing trip.

This boat also shines in shallow water environs. For the last two duck seasons, myself and two others have been laying out in flooded ag. fields with my kevlar Wigeon and a kevlar MLB Classic. The Wigeon is the tender, towing the Classic, all our deeks, guns, and gear 1/2 mile down an access ditch to the flooded bean field where we have been enjoying excellent sport with late season Mallards. One guy runs the rig down the ditch with a trolling motor, while me and the other hunter strike out in wader clad feet. Grassed up, these two boats have accounted for some terrific action.

In closing, if I can answer any more questions, please ask here, or feel free to email me at; or call me on the toll free; (877)652-3695. I have owned a lot of boats in the past 36 duck seasons. All have come and gone, except for my Zack Taylor Sneakbox Wigeon. I'll never part with it.

God Bless All,

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McMiller ever give you your dekes? We are supposed to be in Green Bay for the ..second?... opener on Oct. 15th.
No . . .not yet, Not his fault either . . .I need to get over to him to pick them up and pay the storage/rent. (spent last couple of weeks in AZ getting the ranch together. Met up with some guys that hunt stock tanks for waterfowl, sounds like fun).

What was the weight of that 9.8 merc motor? I'm concerning doing the same thing you have. Only with a 15hp yamaha weight approx 79lbs. What is your opinion? Thanks
Probably 60lbs or less. I can't recommend a 15 on one, they ARE only rated for 5 or so. The 9.8 weighs it down pretty good too.
The 9.8 and 15hp are the same weight. Just different carb set-up. Yahama has the lightest weight motors in these two sizes. Take a look at the specs and see what you think. I know a guy that has the 9.8 yamaha on his today but wishes he would have brought the 15 being it is the same weight.
Sorry to bring up an old post, but wondering if anyone has any experience running a 15hp on their zt? I have been running an older 9.9 and am looking to buy a new motor. A 15hp would better fit some of my other boats so I am hoping to get away with it on the zt. Thoughts?

I use a 5hp on mine. I tried a few different motors, 8 to 15 horse. I found the larger motors
to be a bit too scary for me. their weight changed the geometery of the boat and I didn't
feel as comfortable in big water.For that reason ,I'm selling my Wigeon and looking for a
Chuck Huff,which appears to be better suited for more speed and the type of hunting I do now.
Heres mine. I use a 5 hp briggs and stratton. Depending on conditions it will go 5-7 mph loaded with me and gear.



What the hell you sitting on. My lip isn’t strong enough for my big ass to sit on.