December Workbench

D. Hinton

Active member
Been trying to get some more time with my brush .
Had a couple of head patterns courtesy of George Williams .
Trying to get ready for Argentina . Wanted to just mainly fool around tonight and practice some techniques I learned .

Not 100% happy but content as this is just the base layer. Was thinking I had at least a decent starting point …

Then I went and dropped in my paint mixtures 😖
that's looking mighty fine. The challenge on a Chiloe is the back for me. I've hand painted one in the past year. Your painting style is similar to my approach on hand painting, just building layers from base coat to finishing touches.
I'm going to finish up a little flocking today and then get started on painting. I'm making these for my son for Christmas and I just found out we are going to do it on Christmas eve, so everything is going to have to be finished by Monday night and stored in the drying room overnight. I'm cutting it pretty close, wish me luck.

I just recently had a sudden insight, I guess you might call it an epiphany, We don't have hardly any decoys. Kind of a cobbler's children have no shoes proposition. I got to thinking what a shame it would be after making thousands of decoys over the past decades it would be a shame to think my son and grandson's wouldn't have any of my decoys to hunt over. I've begun to start a series I call the "ᎩᎦᎨ ᏲᎾ" or Red Bear series, which is my Cherokee name. These will all be part of that series. What my plan is will be to make decoys or sets of decoys for everything we've ever shot. In the wigeons here I have a euro/american cross, something I shot years ago. I also have a black duck for one I shot in Illinois 38 yeas ago. It's going to be a fun project and long overdue, giving them to my son as gifts will eliminate the temptation to sell them. I'll be using both 6 slot and 12 slot bags we get at Scheels where my wife works and hopefully God will grant me enough time to have species bags full of everything we have or will hunt.

hopefully I'll have a picture of all of these completed by Monday.
