December Workbench

I wished I could slip out into the shop on Christmas day. My wife gets real cranky when I even pretend to need to go to the shop when she's not at work. I spent two whole days without doing anything in the shop, it drives me crazy. Looks cold out that window there. The lowest temperature we ever had in Fairbanks was 52 below the week between Christmas and new years.
I wished I could slip out into the shop on Christmas day. My wife gets real cranky when I even pretend to need to go to the shop when she's not at work. I spent two whole days without doing anything in the shop, it drives me crazy. Looks cold out that window there. The lowest temperature we ever had in Fairbanks was 52 below the week between Christmas and new years.
whoa.... you get this kind of attention too? I get half a day on sundays to play in the shop and that is only because she sleeps in. Mondays are my days, so I can pull 12 hour shifts in the shop if I want to. I wouldn't think you would have got that kind of attention since its also your work place. I guess now that I think of it, she got a little upset with me coming to work yesterday and today. I thought my missy was the only one that gave the cold shoulder when I snuck off to my play room. Makes me feel a little better someone else has to deal with it as well.

We are fortunate they want our attention still though. We should cherish the time we get with our lovely better halves... unless they are cranky too. Then I like to disappear. Just figure if shes going to be cranky with me around her, she can be cranky without me while I am in the shop all the same.
yep, you know when I'm in trouble, I'm getting lots more work done. Same thing goes when her nose is in her phone and watching hallmark. She doesn't even know I went to the shop. When it comes to making stuff, I'm relentless, sitting down in a recliner is not relaxing. After 44 years though, I'm pretty good about knowing the boundaries. Time to get back to making decoys.