Fun to see, but now the long slow slog!She now looks like a boat!!
Great - bends and forms easily. Sam calls for 1/2" now for the SG, but he was fully good with staying with 3/8". My feeling is why add unnecessary weight, so if he specs either 1/4 or 3/8 for yourself I'd lean towards 1/4 for weight and cost. But if you want a bit sturdier, I don't think you'll have any problem working the 3/8.Henry, How did you like working with 3/8"? I've built two boats with 6mm but the Bluebill I've been told could be built from either material. Richard
Thanks Eric. For the inexperienced like me, it is certainly very helpful to have this site and to be able to read and study what has (and hasn't) worked for others. In the end, there will be as much Eric and Tod and Steve and Dave and... and... as there is Henry and Sam in this boat.Henry
The epoxy plugs on each transom hole indicate to me this is going to be one very fine boat when done. Your progress this far is outstanding and I'm interested to see how the bottom first approach works.
Jump in - the more the merrier!This is outstanding. I’ve always had my sights set on building a snow goose and seeing this come together is really motivating. Getting my popcorn for the remainder of the build.
Tod, just curious, what is your overall package length and width? For garage fitting purposes.This is how I have my bow lights, I have them as tucked in and protected as they can be while still satisfying USCG regulations. My bow overhang is tripled 1/2 inch fully radiused and the block the lights on share the dimension and roundover. I like the aesthetic. My lights are incandescents with LEDs retrofitted, but when I built I didn't trust the limited designs available that were sealed LEDs.
Unless there is some sort of variable slick design that allows you to satisfy USCG requirements on a strongly curving hull, you need a plane parallel to the centerline and that is tough to find on a curvy boat.
Light bars also didn't exist when I built. At some point I'll put an LED light bar under the bow overhang.
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Great idea, thanks!Henry, you can also check for square by plumbing down your 4 corner points and marking in the ground. Then move the rig out of the way. They make plumb bob lasers if you have access to one, though I’ve found them to become untrue over time, or you could use good old fashioned plumb bob and string. Gravity won’t lie.
You underestimate my ability to make errors!I think by building UPSIDE-DOWN you are eliminating alot of the potential for error.