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  1. M

    Where do you set up on a windless day?

    "Southeast wind, time to sleep in"!
  2. M

    Open Water Paisley

    The original skin was an 18'. 90" wide Mirrocraft. I bought the aluminum skin as scrap and built the boat. I did sub out some of the aluminum work though. Thanks for the positive comments on the paint. The idea for it had been something I wanted to try.
  3. M

    Painting the boat.

    Scott, don't plan on hunting that boat in Wisconsin. It is illegal to hunt up against dead trees. They will probably just ticket you at the landing to save time. (hehe) Nice job. looking forward to seeing the boat up against the cover.
  4. M

    deBunking the Boat?

    Is there a product on the market to make carpeted trailer bunks slicker? This is not a problem at deep ramps where the boat can be floated off, but it is sure a pane on shallower ramps. I looked in to plastics slides for the bunks, but they were not recommended for riveted boats. They have...
  5. M

    Big Water Anchoring Question

    In the past my chalks and cleat were always near the bow, however my blind on the new boat comes back 5', and I can't reach the front bow area. My question is, can I locate a cleat on each side (back approximately 4' from bow tip), use no chalks and just anchor off either side instead of...
  6. M

    Here is my new duck boat

    Should football players "gone to seed", utilize boats of that size?
  7. M

    By all means - shoot the decoys!

    Early decoy makers used what ever was cheap and readily available...way to keep up the tradition! Nifty folk art.
  8. M

    Wi Open water/concealment regs....

    Where is all this "upland" verbiage, I haven't seen that listed in the regs. Trees are emergent vegetation and they are certainly above the water line. If you want to assume the regs are referencing out of the water so be it, but if any of the root structure of a tree is in fact on the bottom of...
  9. M

    Wi Open water/concealment regs....

    Am I missing something here? The trees in both Bills and Marks photo are bottom rooted. The root structures of trees are massive and I believe the DNR would have a tough time making a case that the trees were not bottom rooted. And secondly the regs actually use the word bottom, they do not...
  10. M

    Wi Open water/concealment regs....

    Mark, as long as those trees aren't dead, I believe that is legal hunting. A tree is a plant and vegetation is all plant life. It is certainly rooted to the bottom. Good to go is far as I'm concerned!
  11. M

    Wi Open water/concealment regs....

    Dave you are correct. Once vegetation is knocked down, even if before it offered the required 50% partial concealment, it can no longer be legally hunted. Blind owners will be ticketed as well as boat hunters. Lately the DNR has been using rip-rap to restore marshes. Sounds like a great idea...
  12. M

    Fair price for used cork decoys?

    At a number of decoy shows I have seen the old Soule type decoys going for $75-$150. Herters are usually less. Keep in mind the decoy market has been dropping due to recent economic "hope" and change.
  13. M

    Fair price for used cork decoys?

    Jeff, are you talking a rig sale where a purchaser would get multiple decoys or an individual decoy sale? Also are you talking older Herter's cork decoys and George Soule made L.L. Bean decoys or more recent blocks?
  14. M

    Michael McIntosh passes

    I too, thoroughly enjoyed his work in the Shooting Sportsman Magazine. Myself being an antique doubles only guy, Michael's insight was always informative and well written. He will be missed.
  15. M

    Wi Open water/concealment regs....

    If the law in fact created a sanctuary it might have some merit. but the fact is it doesn't. Boating is open to fisherman, recreational boating, as well as hunting. So boats are flying all over the lakes. In one case the WI DNR placed a new public access directly in the area that one large...
  16. M

    Remington Hypersonic Steel

    It is interesting to see that after approximately 200 years, the shotgun industry is still following archery. Initially archery was an instinctive shooting sport and continues to be that way for traditionalist. However sites and speed have been the rage of the modern shooter using the...
  17. M

    The Badger came back so did I...

    Welcome back and your welcome!
  18. M

    Steve Sutton Moderator Emeritus

    I discovered this site in the spring of 2000. While looking through the Readers Rig section I saw the Sutton fleet. Having met very few people with the dedication and commitment to waterfowling I feel, I was drawn to this site because of Steve Sutton. It was easily recognizable, here was a...
  19. M

    Goose decoys 2013

    Andy, I can see them too. Now all you have to do is remove all the wood that isn't them!
  20. M

    It's June, what's on your cradle?

    Good to see in one of the pics that Otto is supervising this project. Perhaps making sure the craft is stout enough to handle an experienced chessie?