Search results

  1. Frank Gostomski

    Quirky Things your pup does?

    My chocolate lab, Bryant...who normally epitomizes all of the warnings folks issue regarding chocolates...likes to wander up to the cherry tree in the front yard during the summer. He'll root around, come up with a cherry, and take an unusually long time to eat it (this is a dog who once...
  2. Frank Gostomski

    Last Duck Hunt

    Pat, those are some great shots. But a green tractor? If they need someone to come up there and paint it red for the next pictures, I have a good brush! ;)
  3. Frank Gostomski

    Driving the East Coast (kind of long and rambling, will involve ducks soon)

    Bill, brilliant idea. Let me know when you're planning to hit Maryland...I'd love to help. Frank
  4. Frank Gostomski

    What a way to start the day

    Nothing better than sitting in front of the ramp and using half of your thermos of hot coffee to melt an inch of ice so you can get the plug in. i'm so glad i'm not the only one doing this stuff...for years i blamed everything on the "ski" at the end of my name!
  5. Frank Gostomski

    MD Opener on the Susky Flats

    Chris, I haven't seen you out there. I thought maybe you gave up on those ol' ducks!
  6. Frank Gostomski

    MD Opener on the Susky Flats

    Thanks Michael. We actually did it again Saturday for the goose opener. Limited out on geese and took a mixed bag of 9 ducks (ruddys, bluebills, mallards, and buffleheads). was a great day. I saw howard posted the blind restrictions for VA. it's a little different up here in that we...
  7. Frank Gostomski

    MD Opener on the Susky Flats

    I hear ya, but the wife may have something to say about uprooting the family to chase ducks...I'm not sure of the exact wording, but I'm fairly sure it would be inappropriate for public consumption! Maybe we'll retire to the 20 years or so!
  8. Frank Gostomski

    MD Opener on the Susky Flats

    Eddie, not sure i't would be my cup of tea either, but in Maryland, you either have a multi-thousand-dollar annual lease or you hunt public sites that are shot 4 days a week. we did the latter for years...with little success. Seems like booting is about the only way a guy with a few bucks...
  9. Frank Gostomski

    MD Opener on the Susky Flats

    Well, I finally got to hunt with both of my brothers, using our own v-boards, standing behind our own stick-ups. We had a beautiful morning on the Flats, and Bryant (he's the brown one standing on the bow) got to pull a few in the boat. Pair of buffys, pair of spoonys, and pair of blackheads...
  10. Frank Gostomski

    Your Morning reflection and reaffirmation

    Brian, Remember i once told you how i left teaching after 12 years so i could take a job where I could take off to hunt—and right after I took the new job we started having kids so i hunt even less? It gets worse...I'm sitting in my office where my wall of windows is 200 feet from one of...
  11. Frank Gostomski

    Retained bullets in animals, specifically deer....

    the worst i ever saw was at our hunt club in Western Maryland. my uncle shot a small buck with something protruding from his nostril. when we stripped the hide, we found about 8 inches of arrow shaft with an intact expandable lodged in the nasal passsage. obviously, someone had tried a head...
  12. Frank Gostomski


    John, As long as you don't need to go hiking for miles in them, you'll love em in cold weather. We bodyboot in the Chesapeake in January and my brother and I both wear the 1600 super mag. My feet and legs have never gotten cold standing in that water. On the last day we hunted, water temp...
  13. Frank Gostomski

    Sunrise/Sunset images over your hunting spots....have any good ones?

    Susquehanna Flats Sunset South Dakota Sunrise South Dakota Sunset
  14. Frank Gostomski

    NDR: Hoyt bow shooters....

    Nate, Jay's right...every Hoyt shooter will feel the need to pipe up...just like me! I tell you, i love everythig about my V-Tec except one: I have big hands, and the space between the grip and the riser brace is fairly tight. I actually had to learn to shoot with that brace touching the...
  15. Frank Gostomski

    Good news and more good news!

    Prom? What are you talking about? There are no proms at a convent!
  16. Frank Gostomski

    Good news and more good news!

    My little girl turns one this week. We had to take the boat up to the welding shop on Friday, so I gave her an old call to play with for the ride. 10 seconds is what it took her to make that thing quack. The rest of the ride was "quaaack...giggle, quaaack...giggle." I was nervous when I...
  17. Frank Gostomski

    The rest of my profit sharing is going to Blake :-)

    Hey Hitch, Is one of those books in the background Pioneer Decoy Carvers (biography of Lem and Steve Ward)? My wife's late grandfather left me a copy signed by Lem and the authors. I've never been sure how popular the book was, but it's a great read.
  18. Frank Gostomski

    Tuckerton show

    I'll be there on Sunday. I'm coming up from Maryland to pick up my UFO from Tony Homer. Never been to this show before; what are the "can't miss" things I need to see?
  19. Frank Gostomski

    Choosing your hunting spot, how do you.....

    Yup. We did the Sand Islands last year. There was decent gunning the first week. After that, hardly a bird came west. I've been tracking the bay reports, and this is about the only year i ever remember seeing anything positive. We're focusing on geese and hoping to catch a few...
  20. Frank Gostomski

    Choosing your hunting spot, how do you.....

    Bill, you're not kidding. The Maryland regs are out of control. I took part in the Harford County, MD draw yesterday for the first time. Let's just say that I was number 12 and had to take a spot between a train bridge and overhead power lines. Anyone who drew number 15 or higher stood up...