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  1. MLBob Furia

    Scooter update

    Had Scooter in for 8-week evaluation and X-rays and the Doc (Jacob Mathias DVM) was extremely pleased with what he saw. It was a bear trying to keep up with all the therapy exercises Joe Spoo sent and having to keep her leashed on every trip outdoors. Our freeze-out actually helped with...
  2. MLBob Furia

    Happy Holidays

  3. MLBob Furia

    Lost my buddy for the waterfowl & upland bird seasons

    Unfortunately, my 8 yr-old female Lab (Scooter} ruptured the cranial cruciate ligament (equivalent of our human ACL) in her right rear leg. It was evident that the only option was going to be some sort of surgery to repair the tear and stabilize the knee. I have to give a shout out to our own...
  4. MLBob Furia

    October Workbench

    "So I'm up here in the North Woods Just staring at a lake Wondering just exactly how much They think a man can take I eat fish to pass the time away 'Neath this blue Canadian moon This old world has made me crazy Crazy as a loon Lord, this world will make you crazy Crazy as a loon.." -John Prine
  5. MLBob Furia

    Hey, one of our own !!

    Looks like the very talented Vince Pagliaroli is going to have a one-man show and presentation. Wish I lived close and was able to make it. Well done, Vince. Always a great thing to put waterfowl art and the rich heritage that goes along with it out in front of the general public in venues...
  6. MLBob Furia

    What's on your work bench? - March 2024

    March has brought up & down weather to our area. Freezing temps one day / highs in the 60's the next. This week lots of overcast skies and rain. A good time to have some decoys to paint and to while away some hours in the studio. Started in on spatter-painting for a pair of black ducks. Began...
  7. MLBob Furia

    Last Days of 2023-24 Season

    It's the final week of the Indiana South-Zone goose season here in the Tri-State corner, and an afternoon scouting trip on Monday with 'the Scooter' paid off. We hiked around the edges of a slough that I thought might be holding birds and get action late in the day, and saw lots of geese already...
  8. MLBob Furia

    Still waiting on the River

    Lots of rain last night & today, so I'm watching the the NWS River Stage forecast, and it looks as if the River will reach the "action-stage" (finally) by this weekend. Actually, Wednesday morning it looks to be at a level that makes it easy to get around in the sloughs. Might give it a shot...
  9. MLBob Furia

    Probably not in time for Christmas giving.... but close.

    I have a number of carved & painted feathers in hand-made, remarqued, wooden display boxes that make great display pieces for any waterfowler. If anyone is interested in one of these, let me know at rfuria@fuse,net I'll get back to you with details. Prices on the individual boxes vary and...
  10. MLBob Furia

    Workbench - November

    Started out the month by getting a goose call done for Dave McCann. Nicely figured salt-cedar from Al H, with poly-sleeved barrel and contrasting striped-hard maple end caps. Also added some fancy inlay bands. Will get this out to you today, Dave.
  11. MLBob Furia

    July Workbench

    Finished up my cork gunning mallard "therapy decoy." Glad to report that the post-op visit with the surgeon went well, and he told me I'm well ahead of the curve for the way everything is going. Even got the clearance to play the guitar and was told it would be excellent therapy. Some pics...
  12. MLBob Furia

    What's on your WORK BENCH - May 2022

    [size 4] Just finished up a ringbill drake last week, and working on the hen now.
  13. MLBob Furia

    Pic from earlier this week.

    [size 4] My camera bag is always something that is in the boat during any time I get to go out. Over the years I have been enjoyed taking pictures of all the ordinary things that go on, especially those that end up telling a story that goes beyond a "tailgate shot." (....although I'm guilty of...
  14. MLBob Furia

    Merry Christmas to All !!

  15. MLBob Furia

    When one is enough....

    [size 4]Been getting out regularly with the Scooter and thankful for every day on the water. This week, two quick morning hunts saw us visited by a group of sprig that, for whatever reason, are frequenting a slough I hunt . Although we do see them from time to time, the pintail is not a...
  16. MLBob Furia

    Duane G.

    I had the big volume on the history of The Winous Point Club sent down from the OSU library recently. Before returning it, I snapped this picture of Duane that appeared in the chapter on Punters. Some nice comments about him in there too. How neat to be part of the history of a storied club!
  17. MLBob Furia

    This is disturbing

    Since there are no co-sponsors, and she introduces it every year, it's likely to die in committee, but Lord help us in the event it would ever get enough traction to allow revisions and compromises to be considered. If you haven't read the text...
  18. MLBob Furia

    The Winslow Homer Project

    Since the text portion of this post is pretty long and it is fairly picture heavy, I decided make a separate posting instead of taking up a lot of space in the September workbench thread. I figure it may be a whole lot easier to find a way to cut and paste the text from my document file...
  19. MLBob Furia

    Brain fart....,

    Who had the avatar featuring the Winslow Homer painting "Right and Left" for like forever ??? Can't recall or find it in past posts.
  20. MLBob Furia

    We've lost another of the good ones.

    Saw this today: Shrewsbury : Paul C. Dobrosky passed away at home on 8/22/20 at the age of 82. He was born in Shamokin, PA, and resided in Shrewsbury, NJ for the past 60 years. Paul was a Rumson-Fair Haven HS ?57 graduate, active in alumni reunions. Paul and his wife, Anne C. (nee Lalonde)...