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  1. E

    Hunter shot and killed

    Probably just didn't have anything else to do while waiting for their Obama check to be delivered.
  2. E

    Florida Freeze 2010 Pt II

    It might be his kind that needs to "die off" and not breed their stupid ways into the gene pool. Folks like that are an embarrassment to the hunting community. Glad you guys were there for them....
  3. E

    Drake was attacked by a coyote in his own back yard!!!

    Ray, I'm originally from Kinston, living in Florida now. Who's your dad?
  4. E

    If this guy gets into office part II

    So, if Obama, the "African-American", wins the Dem nomination and chooses Bill Richards, the "Latin-American", who will represent regular Americans? Oh McCain will, never mind.....
  5. E

    Flyway Highway

    The original Waterdog filmed mainly in Lousiana and "starring" Buddy was far and away the best I've ever seen.