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    NDR Deep frying turkey

    Tom, Im sure your directions will mention this but on a new pot I always put the turkey in, cover it with water, remove the turkey and then mark the pot at the water level. Fill with oil to that mark and you will prevent one of the main reasons turkey fryers cause fires( people fill with oil...
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    Speaking of Snakes....

    Thats a common water snake. They can be very aggressive
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    NDR Scope Question

    put the best scope on it you can afford. You want a better scope than rifle, cause if you cant see it you sure cant shoot it.
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    ndr riding mower hitch ball

    I agree, you shoud have no trouble using a 17/8s ball with a 2 inch receiver. I'm not sure I go on a tran-continential trip but aroud the yard should not be a problem.
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    Where's the Snake?

    For what ever reason, many of the water snakes are or al least can be very aggressive. In my younger and more foolish days I spent a lot of time catching water snakes and I have the scars to prove it. They most definately will bite you if you give an opporutunity.
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    Where's the Snake?

    Paublo, I know many people feel taht the only good snake is a dead snake, but that is not a posionous snake.
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    SXS shotgun

    I too have a Stoeger upoander in 20 ga and love it. Doi they not have a 12 ga sxs other than the coach gun?
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    A post I read last week started me to thinking about something. Hobie makes a kayak type boat that has foot pedals that move flipper type things under the boat for propulsion(technical terms). 1st , has anybody here had any experience with this boat, 2nd would this wook as a "scull boat" and...
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    Lest we forget, today is 9/11. It is imperitive that we remember what was done to us today or it will most certainly happen again. Whatever you wish to say about George Bush, it is his leadership which has kept the terrorists busy elsewhere and prevented any other attacks on our soil. If you...
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    NDR, Scent Lock...

    Nate, I hunt deer a lot, season in Alabama runs from before Thanksgiving thru January and until recently we had a deeer a day limit. Most Trophy hunters do everything they can to get an edge. Notice I said trophy. I dont think you need the scent lock clothes but I do always spray myself with...
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    Chainsaw - NDR

    Husky makes a good saw but I have a Stihl. Small internal combustion motors hate me and typically refuse to run for very long for me. All of my stihls ALWAYS crank and run if you follow the correct starting procedure. I have a farm boss and it is more saw thatn I need but I love it anyway. Steve
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    motor problem, NDR

    Thanks Tom & Lee, we are able to move the motor around while trying to push the tube back through but so far have been unable to make it go together. Figured that we might have to remove the motor to get weight off of it to make it line up. We'll kep trying if it ever drys up Thanks again. Steve
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    motor problem, NDR

    Wicker T or anybody else, I need some help. A friend was helping me remove the steering cable from my bass boat. The nut holding the cable at the motor was not loosening and we accidentially pushed the piece(don't know technical term) that holds the motor to the bracket (the steering goes thru...
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    my first boat build finally done

    You might be on to something there, they use those goose shells which are big enough to hide a man, that thing might work. One things for sure, the ducks will be able to see it from a LONG way away. Steve
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    pirogue question

    One thing to think about is that you can buy ( or build) small outriggers for a canoe, which will greatly increase the stability. I guess you could use one on a priouge also. You might want to look at building a canow if you want to build, there is a home built canoe called the seven hour...
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    question about cost

    Pete, I have no idea what they should cost. Andrew, I understand the lure of wood and the lure of building something yourself. Just seems to me to be out of line for what you get, other than the satisfaction of building it yourself which I know is priceless. Thanks for the replies. Steve
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    question about cost

    I was looking at Devlins site earlier and was frankly shoicked at the estimated cost of materials for his designs. What has been the experience of the builders here, are these numbers accurate or are they more of a high end number. Steve
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    Cheap jet ski

    Bob, it seems to me that someone has done such a conversion, thats why I posted about the jet ski. Steve
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    Cheap jet ski

    I saw an old jet ski on Ebay if anybody has been looking for one to convert. This one does not have a motor. Go to ebay stores and then boat angel. They are a charity and most of their stuff sells real cheap. If anybody messes with it make sure to post pictures.
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    Planting fruit pits.

    Kenmack, I dont know if you have Big Lot stores where you live, we hgave them in Bham, but in the past I have bought pear and apple trees from them real cheap, I dont remember the exact price. We planted them on our farm for the deer. We bought them at the end of the planting season(early...