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  1. Andy Newman

    Now this is an Oklahoma Boat Launch

    Very nice. I was just in OK doing some pipeline work and stopped by Salt Plains NWR. The blue-wings were everywhere on that lake. Thousands. Pretty cool place with the salt flats and the concentrations of ducks and shorebirds.
  2. Andy Newman

    Brad Falkinburg's Decoys?

    Those Upland Sandpipers look unbelievable.
  3. Andy Newman

    hunting in ky

    Ballard can be pretty good if you hit it right. Best is on Wednesdays and Thursday following a migration. Generally a lot more birds and less pressure, plus birds have not learned where all the blinds are. To be honest, if the birds have been in the area for a while, I would suggest not even...
  4. Andy Newman

    Some smaller things in life---

    Awesome pictures. Those hummer shots are simply great.
  5. Andy Newman

    Favorite Picture from Last Year?

    Really find the top picture of the Solitary Sandpiper on the goose decoy hilarious. Great pictures everyone. Makes me ready for the new things this season holds since I will be moving to Texas.
  6. Andy Newman

    Drought, Migration and the furure of waterfowling?

    Seems like lots of birds breeding (but a lot less ponds), surveys this month will give us an idea as to brood habitat that remained through the summer. So there will likely still be a strong flight. Waterfowl are good about finding food sources, and weather will likely determine where they...
  7. Andy Newman

    evening boat ride

    You should get yourself a bug tamer jacket. They are nice for keeping all the lovely biting insects off.
  8. Andy Newman

    Two question, spay dodger on a garvey and raffia grass.

    I just grasssed a 13 foot boat with 10 lbs of raffia, and for my taste I will need another 5 lbs. As for raffia, Rogers has some tangle free 5 lbs bundles for cheaper than the bulk raffia place. Only catch is it is corn stubble (but you can dye the raffia with Rit Dye). To give you an idea...
  9. Andy Newman

    LZ KIng eider

    Those are awesome. I wish they were a more widespread duck.
  10. Andy Newman

    Spray Dodger Questions

    I recently got an AA Blackjack and trying to figure out what kind of blind to do for it. For most of my hunting in Kentucky it will be bigger water shoving up into banks. For a couple other places I hunt in Ohio it is wide open marsh, mostly smartweed and Bidens spp. (stick tights) that has...
  11. Andy Newman

    Cool Ducks

    Black-bellied WD are most certainly expanding their range. Memphis area had over 50 breeding pairs last year, everyone along the Mississippi River and its tribs stand a reasonable chance of seeing them in the coming years. I know they wonder around a lot in spring, perhaps looking for new...
  12. Andy Newman

    *HELP* decoy paint question

    Don't paint 'em, flock 'em.
  13. Andy Newman

    horseshoe crabs on delaware bay

    Next to waterfowl I find shorebirds most interesting. I did my Masters on woodcock habitat preferences. Ever time I visit coastal areas I am always reminded how productive those coastal marshes and estuaries are by the sheer number organisms. Got to hunt the Texas coast last year and beyond...
  14. Andy Newman

    horseshoe crabs on delaware bay

    Greg Both American Golden Plover and Black-bellied Plover look very similar and from your picture it is hard to tell which one it is. Black-bellied would be way more common and expected in NJ this time of year, and the bird does seem to have a pretty big bill and is large compared to the...
  15. Andy Newman

    ducks, late goose season and northern visitors

    Very nice pictures. Snowy owls are awesome. I guess this has been one of their biggest invasion years to the lower 48 states. There was a crazy boom of lemmings (main food in tundra) last summer and most pairs pulled off 5-6 young fledged (they normally only raise 1-3 young). This winter= no...
  16. Andy Newman

    duck hunter boat

    John I am debating making either the duck hunter or the hummer. A few questions I have about the duck hunter. How rough of water have you had it in? There are some fairly good sized Corps lakes in Kentucky that my MoMarsh simply is not safe on. Also, is the cockpit wide enough to shoot...
  17. Andy Newman

    Change of tactics

    Do you think the closest wigeon has some Eurasian genes in him? Seems to have a fair amount of reddish in his head.
  18. Andy Newman

    A few pics of lately -- Its been a while

    Gary This is my first post on here and I really enjoy your pictures. I work as a biologist in Kentucky and I think you may have misidentified a couple of your birds species. The nuthatches appear to be Pygmy Nuthatches (which in my opinion are way cooler than White-breasted, I have only seen...