Search results

  1. D

    Possible Resources Misunderstanding?

    I've been around awhile. Earliest I remember looking at the page was in 2000. I had started a new job with the forest service and had found this site and I can remember showing a co-worker the boats on here. So I can remember when the Devlin build was documented with easy to find links. I...
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    Armistice Day Storm YouTube documentary

    This day 84 years ago.
  3. D

    School me on Fiberglass Hull Repair...

    Also meant to say that I second the referral to Boatworks Today YouTube channel. Lots of good info there. As well as all the great guys here.
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    School me on Fiberglass Hull Repair...

    Where are you located in NC?
  5. D

    TDB turned into a layout??
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    Armistice Day Storm YouTube documentary

    A good watch about Duckhunters and Armistice Day Storm.
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    Why do I have to have some many boats ….

    My current list: jon boat 19' Carolina Skiff with no motor Arthur Armstrong Broadbill clone needing refurbished 3 canoes
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    Any Arthur Armstrong Broadbills near piedmont of NC?

    Yep mine was cut off. Where are you located?
  9. D

    Decoys Unlimited Instructions

    What is used in them for the foam, are the original ingredients still available?
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    Anybody Recognize the Maker?

    Eric, I like those mallards! I'd say you did good! I'll have to search for a picture of decoys molded from those molds.
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    Any Arthur Armstrong Broadbills near piedmont of NC?

    Yep that's it. I got stalled on the project. I'd like to get it functioning. It's a cool little boat.
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    Any Arthur Armstrong Broadbills near piedmont of NC?

    Eric, I am aware but this isn't an actual Arthur Armstrong built boat. It's so similar that I think it might be a copy.
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    Any Arthur Armstrong Broadbills near piedmont of NC?

    Scott, What I have is what I believe may have been a fiberglass copy made off a Broadbill. I don't know if it was made off a fiberglass boat or a wood boat from the Clark Craft plans. Anyway someone before me cut the coaming off and did a transom replacement. So I am looking for a Broadbill...
  14. D

    Any Arthur Armstrong Broadbills near piedmont of NC?

    I have a boat that I believe is a copy of a Broadbill and am wanting to do some repairs to it. It is missing the cockpit coaming. If possible I'd like to be able to look over a Broadbill.
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    Worth Mathewson Introduction

    I had no idea he was from NC. Asheboro is in the next county over.
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    Considering a bird dog
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    Did you guys know....

    In just a couple of months it will be 24 years ago that I started a job with the forest service. I remember showing this site and the cool boats to my supervisor. I've never been one of the "main guys" around here but I have been in and out a lot through the years and this is the best place on...
  18. D

    Anyone Have One Of Those New Style Truck Caps?

    Four Wheel Campers makes one called the Project M.
  19. D

    Should this boat be saved?

    Any update on your finds?