A couple of old waterfowl books

Books concerning things of interest to me are a passion of mine. I just "found" these two recently stashed away in my Man Room. Of course now I must read and study them from cover to cover (already started). If I recall I got them at the county fair in the Outdoor Building and placed them in a NY DEC tote bag. I've always enjoyed reading George Reiger's writing. Just thought I would share with others here that like to read.
Your post reminded my of my copy of The Wildfowler's Quest which I set out to obtain after browsing through a copy in a library at Remington Farms. I had really enjoyed my signed copy of The Wings of Dawn which helped set my on my waterfowling path some 30+ years ago, so when a saw another book by Reiger af few years later I just had to crack it open......
Kim, I'm glad the post jarred your memory. Good books do that to us.

Being a decoy carver I got a copy of Mr. Reiger's Floaters and Stick-Ups as soon as it came out, and added it to my decoy book collection. I wrote him and told him how much I enjoyed it. He responded with a kind postcard dated 30 March 1987. All his post cards are typed on a old style typewriter and signed. I cherish each one. A few years ago he wrote a article in Gray's where he states how much he dislikes the title of the book, and that the title is not of his doing. I enjoyed that article as I do all of his writing. He tells it like it is. The waterfowling lifestyle has been a long & rewarding adventure for me. I can't imagine living my life any other way.

Best regards
Heather and I came home late yesterday and my latest book, Ralf Coykendall's Duck Decoys and How to Rig Them was in the mail. I'm pretty excited about this one as it was written by a hunter who spent his days with the market gunners of old. Richard

I do not own that fine book - but have enjoyed it cover-to-cover!

Speaking of which...I have always loved the cover art:

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For me it evokes the wonderful work - sometimes truly arduous and even dangerous - that we all accept and value as part of our Grand Passion. I get the same feeling from Homer's The Herring Net - which hangs over my favorite couch.

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Since you have Reiger's book nearby...can you remind me of the artist?

All the best,

Might be Chet Reneson/sp?