Adding gunnels and top on my one Garvey

Hi Josh, Would you mind sending a picture of how you did the bow? I am looking at building a similar design for a grass boat that would have flaps so that we could shoot over the side . Great job
4E1BE95A-00E6-4271-9C9B-FBB546E22829.jpegThis is how I framed it out although not sure it's the best. The piece of cedar will be replaced prior to epoxy sealing I had to try a few times to get the curves where I wanted them. The front will be a small anchor locker with a black hatch door. I'm thinking of grabbing more mahogany decking to make grass rails. Mr. Sanford usually recommends a 3/16 gap for salt hay. I might just use bungee my mind isn't made up I got to be done this rather rapidly as season is approaching. The solid block is for my trolling motor to mount.
Great job so far Josh, cant wait to see the finished product. are you planning on putting grass flapboards on it?
Josh Schwenger said:
Thank you it does help because as of now I can't get 3/8 marine ply within 100 miles. My next question is a epoxy question. When I went to a local fiberglass supplier for cloth (I know not to use bonded mat with epoxy) the owner tried to encourage me to use polyester. I already ordered 2.5 gallons of us composites with fast hardener. He stated I couldn't go over epoxy with other epoxy saying I have to wait between coats? I was under the impression as I have done before I could install my knees to the sides of my current gunnels with spots thickened with cabosil wood flour mix then tape over those joints with my 6 ounce cloth similar to stitch and glue construction. Correct me if I am wrong. Also if I can do this I know about blush and how I will have more with faster cure resin can I re-coat on wet resin like after it has set up to fill in the weave or do I let it harden remove the blush and then re-coat. Sorry this guy (who has minimal epoxy experience) told me I can't "hot coat" over epoxy.

I always use US Composites, Medium Hardner. I ALWAYS go wet on wet on my layers. If memory serves, you have to sand if you wait more than 24 hours between coats.
I'm torn between grass flap boards and a fabric "flap boards". I recently saw a post from a guy with a 16' David Clark Garvey with a solid canvas blind you shoot over. I've made progress all the knees are installed. Am I allowed to repost pictures of other boats found on the internet ? I can show you guys what I am thinking.